Sunday, November 29, 2009
Montazeri Gives Sermon Against Regime
Here is an English on Mousavi's Facebook:
Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri, one of the most senior religious figures, in his remarks for the Eid al-Adha while strongly condemning the violence used against the peaceful protests of the people in the events after the election by the Basij forces called the actions “illegal and illegitimate” and said that the idea of having Basij was to “unite and mobilise everyone on the path to God not to the path of evil”. Also by hinting on the remarks by the Supreme Leader that thanked Basij for what he called “defeating the enemy in the events after election (!)”, Grand Ayatollah said:” Some hit people so that they would be praised.” Then he asked: “Isn’t it a misery that one goes to hell (in afterlife) for the wellbeing of others in this world?!”
Grand Ayatollah by pointing out the teachings of Islam which considers “hitting and attacking people a sin” and also be reinstating the events that happened after the election and the brutal crackdown and the violence used against the protestors said: “Those who committed these crimes (attacked and beat people) not only acted against the religion but also should pay the blood-money (for their crimes).” This senior cleric by emphasising that “anyone who has been attacked by the authorities and even suffered a scratch” should be compensated for it, said: “With what permission people were attacked? If anyone does not agree with then should be physically attacked?!”
Behzad Nabavi Talks About Time in Prison
Here is an English summary from Mousavi's Facebook:
Behzad Nabavi talks about sending a remote (!) kiss to his beloved wife after the show trial: He was worried about his wife during the time he was in prison. Last time, when he was in prison during Shah’s time, he was single so there was not ...much to worry about, even after 20 months in solitary confinement. As he was taken to the court, he suddenly recognized his wife calling his name “Behzad ... Behzad” and he answered with a “remote” kiss! Afterwards as he was sitting in the car, she came close to the window of the car showing “V”sign with her hand, and asked him to be strong because justice will prevail.
That was when Mr. Nabavi said his worries was reduced and he taught “Oh my, she is ahead of him!”
Some days ago when there was still struggle about his release, she warned the authorities that if slightest harm comes to him, she will go public! Mr. Nabavi was wondering since when she is up to giving interviews and going public (She has always been out of politics and never been involved with Media affairs like giving interviews)
Friday, November 27, 2009
Regime Steals Shirin Ebadi's Nobel Prize
Iranian authorities confiscated the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize given to human rights activist Shirin Ebadi, Norway said Thursday.
"The medal and the diploma have been removed from Dr. Ebadi's bank box, together with other personal items. Such an act leaves us feeling shock and disbelief," Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store said in a written statement.
Norway did not explain how it had learned of the alleged confiscation, and there was no immediate reaction from Iran.
Norway's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a written statement that it "has reacted strongly" and summoned the Iranian charge d'affaires on Wednesday afternoon to protest the move.
During the meeting with the Iranian charge d'affaires, State Secretary Gry Larsen also expressed "grave concern" about how Ebadi's husband has allegedly been treated.
"Earlier this autumn, he [Ebadi's husband] was arrested in Tehran and severely beaten. His pension has been stopped and his bank account has been frozen," the statement from Norway said.
Store said in the statement that it marked the "first time a Nobel Peace Prize has been confiscated by national authorities."
The peace prize is one of five awarded annually since 1901 by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden. The other four prizes are for physiology or medicine, physics, chemistry and literature. Starting in 1969, the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel also has been awarded.
While the other prizes are awarded by committees based in Sweden, the peace prize is determined by a five-member panel appointed by the Norwegian parliament.
Ebadi received the prize for her focus on human rights, especially on the struggle to improve the status of women and children.
A statement from the Nobel committee at the time said, "As a lawyer, judge, lecturer, writer and activist, she has spoken out clearly and strongly in her country, Iran, and far beyond its borders."
New Mousavi Statement
5th of Azar (November 26) is the anniversary of creation of ‘Basij of the Oppressed’ by Imam Khomeini. This anniversary is an opportunity to have a second look at this influential institution in the history of the Islamic revolution: What was the Basij? What is it now? and what should it be? What force created the Basij, and gave it a name and recognition? What made it a hero of all the different tastes and inclinations [of different classes] in a period of the modern history of this land? That glorious history and great success known as Basij was not achieved through extensive budgets, and expensive weapons.
It was not excellent institutionalized organization techniques that made the Basij as glorious as a tale of magnificent proportions. It was not military power that formed Basij. Instead, it was deep and pure intentions that created this high tower and nurtured role models whose names are remembered as if they were loyal friends of the prophet.
In addition, in the history of the revolution, Basij is the symbol and centerpiece of courage and persistence of our nation. 30 years ago, Imam created ‘Basij of the Oppressed’ to stand against probable military assault of superpowers. This act was the most influential step taken to prevent any such attacks. In the past three three decades, powers great and small carried the most destructive of weapons. The only thing that stopped them from assaulting our soil or made them regret their assault was that they had seen the courage of the people who were not afraid of the strength of the powerful. They had seen people who did not stop at anything to defend their rights and ideals. Basij was a window through which this aspect of our nation was displayed.
Basij was a manifestation of the union of [social] layers and different appetites among our people. When our caring father [Imam Khomeini] was planting this tree, he said: “A country that has 20 million youth, must have 20 million Basij members.” How could have this been achieved if Basij belonged to only one mode of thinking, one group or one class? What he meant by the 20 million army was the color and capacity that could represent if not all, at least a big majority of the colors that exist in our society; something like the flags of prince of martyrs, [third Imam of Shiite] that is yearly raised everywhere throughout our country, and all of our social layers even some of the religious minorities gather around it.
If Basij has turned into one of our nation’s greatest achievements it was because of attention to such secrets. Otherwise, a name [Basij] can not by itself achieve such almost artistic relics of greatness: The art of changing normal people to an army who relies on God, the art of resisting and winning [the war] empty handed and the art of becoming the source and axis for the union and for the pride of a nation.
Today too, it’s the same story. It is not orders of labels and symbols, words and appearances, neither is it types of discourse and accents nor sentences or magic that creates such schools [Basij or purposeful togetherness] of love, and great humans. All the Basijis, whether known or nameless, who are the pride of faith and land, did not become heroes because of their words. They were tested. Of course, there is not one person in this world who is not tested with choosing right from wrong.
“Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, ‘We believe, and that they will not be tested?
[Quran: Spider-
“We did test those before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are true from those who are false”
[Quran: Spider-
The time has reached for the inheritors of Bagheris and Bakeris. A new generation who are called Basijis and are in the middle of the darkest suspicions and upheaval. Is this new generation similar to those who have fought along The Commander of Faithful in the Battle of Camel [6]? Or such similarities are pointless and those who make such similarities want Basij to be an oppressive machine to hit, capture, hurt and even kill the human beings whom their only sin is asking for justice? Who knows the answer to such questions? What is the real identity of the institution which is currently called “Basij of the Oppressed”? Is this an erratic institution that closes its eyes and breaks the arms and legs of its brothers and sisters when they are ordered to do so? Or is it an institution with the deepest insight that can distinguish the right way from wrong way in the darkest nights of upheaval. The night of upheaval is like a days for those who have doubts in their answers to these questions.
“Whenever you are faced with Fitna (Upheavals) like parts of a dark night, Quran is yours [to get refuge and find your way]”. Hear the response of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) to all these doubts that when upheavals gets into you like parts of a dark night you have to look through Quran! Quran is an intercessor that its intercession is always accepted, and if it becomes a witness against anyone its testimony is accepted. A book that will lead to paradise anyone who considers it as a leader and will drive to hell anyone who goes against it. A book that guides to the best of ways. Quran is a book that clearly and explicitly orders us to be with the truthful.
“O you who believe, fear Allah and be with the truthful”
However, if the truthful were known, the night of upheaval would have ended. On the other hand it is clear that the truthful never lies. Those who lie in their most important political campaign are certainly not truthful. God-conciseness is not their companion and faith is not compatible with them. Haven’t you hear any lies in the past months?
“O you who believe, fear Allah and be with the truthful”
What was the Basij, what will be, and what is to be done?
The Basji that the Imam wanted would not stand against the nation, but would stand behind them and with them. [He envisioned] A Basji whose actions would go beyond political factions and its broad shoulders would protect all, a Basij that would enjoy the friendship of the people, a Basij that would be seeking people’s friendship and unity. A Basij that would overlook the differences of opinion and protect the life and liberty of the masses, that would see them all as brothers or one in creation. A Basji that would protect the privacy of people. Imam did not want the Basij as a tool of authority, but a place for people to project their own power, a place that would allow them to have a part in their own future. It was supposed to be that the actions and behavior of the Basij would be an example to the people, not to have the power of the Basij crush the people. The Basij was not supposed to be on the government payroll and was not supposed to receive bonuses for arresting people for participating in demonstrations. It is a sad day if the Basij becomes just another political party. This is not what the Imam wanted for the Basjiis. The Basji was not supposed to be an instrument to take away people’s freedom in their votes.
My Basjii brothers! What were the faults or flaws in Imam [Khomeini]’s aspirations for Basij that you have abandoned them? Why should you ruin the image created based on the efforts of those before you? You are from the people and with the people. Why do the concepts that our people favour based on their nature, cause such hatred among our Basiji friends? What is bad about freedom? Why talking about freedom causes so much disgust in the heart of some our Basiji friends as if freedom is a unforgivable sin? We know that many of our cities’ major crossroads are called freedom. Don’t we say that subjects like human rights, women rights, minorities rights, and as such are exploited by great powers to hypocritically associate themselves with these concepts and demonstrate a good face ?
So why should those who are the main and noble owners of such values and ideals , distance themselves from them? Do they want their school of thought to look detestable? Why do you ban these concepts and consider them as criteria for being non-religious? Religious is like a favorite flower bestowed upon people. Its teachings are moderate and in agreement with people ‘s nature. Lest! Don’t turn it in to a torn bush, that everyone who touches it gets harmed, like what our youth experiences [nowadays] in the streets.
Thirty years ago Basij came to existence just like a flower and a blast of light. If one desires return to that luminous original era, does that mean he has turned his back on the [Islamic] Revolution and intends to turn over the system? Isn’t it a call to justice if one requests to return to the original version of Islamic revolution? if one demands the pure Islam of Mohammad, the one that Imam [Khomeini] was its mouthpiece and referral; if one expresses distaste toward superstitious and superficiality, which is sold to people in the name of religion; if one follows all the articles of the constitution; if one asks for the loyalty to the vows made based on belief and humanity? Is it legitimate to smack such people in the streets, to torture them in the jails, to sentence them to long terms in prison? Do Islam and Koran teachings allow killing of the people who peacefully ask their rulers to be just?
“And they kill the people who asked them to be just. So warn them of a severe punishment.”
What was [the essence of] Basij before ? , and what will it turn into if it continues on the road laid for it? The force that once represented the courage of our nation is now used to terrorize Iranians? It is evident that the newest and the latest strategy adopted by the authoritarian minority is to create fear in people. They wear terrifying apparel and gather in military formations in the city streets to frighten their countrymen? They terrorize people because they themselves are terrified?Or they convict the sons of this revolution to 7 , 10 and 15 years in prison to console themselves? And they don’t realize how they are jeopardizing the national security with these short-sighted behaviors?
It is sufficient for great powers to see [our] people frightened to harass our nation. To see our people’s courage undermined and their strength and their endurance uncertain to believe their dreams of the last 30 years [against our nation] are coming true. Look at our two neighboring countries that are occupied by foreign forces. In both countries they attempted to terrify people and people were terrified. On the surface the [great] powers stepped into these countries with the promise to set them free. But they did not hide their greed in [seeing] horrified faces of people when they established places like Abu Ghraib. They told people of these two countries with outmost clarity that you are the people who were scared of Saddam and Taliban , now it is justified to be more scared of our terrorizing weaponry. Even the radical terrorists still savagely kill these people hoping they can rule them based on their fear as the bloodthirsty [dictators] did before them . The victims of the brutalities of Saddam and Taliban are still paying for their lack of courage. But our nation owes its security and peace to courage and strength shown in the last thirty years.
Now some people in the country want to take this [social] capital away from us. [Our] people are either not frightened by their shows , which they are not and they will take away this last weapon away from them, or they will be scared. In that case will [only]these war toys [weapons] keep this country intact?
In our contemporary history Basij was not just a name , it was a conduct that we will always need. [This is true] to the extent that if those responsible for Basij forget their duties and assignments we need to carry them out ourselves.
It is a necessity, even more important than the goals of our movement , that forces us not to let anyone show greed in our fear.
And we should know, there is no color beyond black. [Creating] fear is their last effort.
Your opponents made a mistake and used what they had as the last resort against your peaceful strength. The true solutions to their [quandaries] are yourselves. The day you ask your opponents: “are the colorful flags you carry in the support of implementing the full constitution?” and they answered yes, welcome them. That day we will all be green.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Interview with Maziar Bahari
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Abtahi out on Bail

Mousavi Interview
Here is an English summary:
Mir Hossein Mousavi in his second video-internet interview with Kaleme News Agency talked about the events that happened on November 4 as well as about the plans for eliminating subsidies (by the coup government) and the experts’ warnings against doing so. l
Mir Hossein in this interview in respond to a question about the November 4 said: “This year’s November 4 th because of how people took the streets and remained on the scene turned to a great memory for our nation.” He added that after the revolution gradually the ideas and values behind these ceremonies were forgotten and changed. l
In another part of this interview, Mousavi said: “On November 4 th, they had brought an army to confront the people. Unfortunately there were intrusions. Dividing the people and enforcing limitations created new circumstances for the Green movement.” l
He continued: “First it was the number of armed forces put on the streets to confront people. In the history of the revolution, I had never seen so many forces placed at important points.” While pointing out the heavy security that he noticed his commute to the Cultural Center for the Art in the morning before the demonstrations, he said: “I told myself even if today nobody shows up on the streets, this is a victory for the Green path of hope. It (brining all these forces) show how afraid they are of it and what a significant movement it is.” l
He added: “A country that is governed under the name of Islam and have had a great revolution should not continue its path by terrorizing people.” While reminding that the Islamic Revolution made people brave, he added: “The first impression of all those armed forces on November 4 was creating terror to tackle people’s greatest asset (their bravery) despite the fact that if we want to have a prosperous nation and county we should emphasis on this asset (people’s bravery). This is what was being attacked on November 4 and if you ask me if they achieved their goal; in my opinion, they did not.” l
By pointing out some of the horrific images of brutal attacks on people by the security forces, he added: “They attacked people but people were not afraid. If you look at the footages from the streets, you see that they were beating people but people were not running away. They go on the other side of the street and continue chanting their slogans.”
Mir Hossein added: “The next outcome of this kind [brutal] confrontation is anger, which will lead some to go beyond the basic slogans that the Green movement emphasises on them, which are abiding to the constitution and executing all its principles in the country without personal intervention.” l
Mousavi while emphasising on loyalty to the constitution as the share point between all members of the Green movement and said: “People should note that no matter how much they (the government’s agents) show brutality, people should not fall in the trap of brutality. It is necessary for us to maintain our logic and our cool, and remain loyal and preserve our values and bravery to express our beliefs in the society.” l
While emphasising that Green movement wants peace and remains peaceful, he added: “We want freedom as a natural and innate demand in human and we will pay any price necessary for it.”
In another part of his interview, Mir Hossein Mousavi, commented on the plans by the coup government to eliminate subsidies and the experts’ warnings against doing so. He said that the government itself in the name of the bill indicates that subsidies at this time are necessary but then says that they are harmful. Mousavi reminded that in all countries there are some subsidies but the issue is how the government distributes it to get the best benefit. l
Mousavi reminded that the elimination of subsidies will lead to increase in prices. He added that just because the government sells oil cheaper in the country than to the foreign countries, it should not conclude that it is paying subsidy because other prices in the country are also cheaper. He questioned if the government is also willing to increase the wage of workers comparable to what is paid in other countries. l
In another part of his interview Mousavi said: “What worries me is that the government does not have a comprehensive plan under the supervision of the parliament.” He continued: “Because of the political and personal differences they have caused a lot of problems for the people. We witness that the government does not have an unbiased view of the national interest.” He added that after the elimination of the subsidies, the government will only help those sectors that it favours and will not give any money to the others that are not favoured with it. l
He continued: “People don’t know what happened to the 300 billion dollar oil money in the past four years; where it was spent; and what its outcome was. l
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Mousavi's Campaign Manager Talks about the Election Day
Thursday morning we had consecutive meetings with Mr. Mousavi. The main topic of discussion was the provisions for election day. Numerous reports had reached people in the campaign which made us really worried about the election process. Supervising the ballot boxes was of serious concern to us.
Mir Hossein Mousavi chose a number of friends to follow up on these issues in parallel. One problem was that the text messaging service had been completely shut down by the ministry.
It was planned that Mousavi would vote in one of the mosques in the south of Tehran. This mosque was called the grand Jameh mosque in Rey [an old city in the south of Tehran]. Around 11 p.m. on Thursday, the time and place of Mousavi’s voting was put up on the Ghalam’s website [Mousavi's main webiste].
When I went to that mosque on Friday morning, a large group of reporters were there. Mr. Mousavi voted alongside Mrs. Rahnavard and went up to the podium of the mosque to give a talk for a very short time. He was saying that we will stay up tonight when the microphone was shut off.
We returned to the campaign headquarters right away. Mousavi was following the news. Reports that came from various election centers one after another indicated that the turnout was outstanding. Most of the reports pointed to a greater turnout for Mousavi.
It was only a few hours into voting day that pro-government outlets and websites reported that Ahmadinejad had won. But reports indicated that we would be winning by a big margin.
Everyone was filled with an indescribable sense of happiness. A report was read by the Voter Protection Office. Many of the election centers were reporting very, very slow lines, the shortage of ballots, and various obstacles faced by voters. But, the combination of announced results we were getting indicated that Mousavi was well ahead.
Mousavi was continuously calling the heads of parliament and judiciary, the leader’s office, and the Supreme Administrative Court to tell them about the problems and obstacles voters were facing.
Complaints were increasing minute by minute. In many voting centers, the ballots were finished. But nothing was done about it. We all came to the conclusion that this was a planned move on the part of the organizers of the election. It was apparent that they had no desire to get extra ballots to the centers, or to speed up the process or to extend voting hours. Reports told us that some voting centers had closed as early as 4 p.m. Even though hour by hour voting was to be extended to 10 p.m. many voting centers were closed before then, and even some people who had stood for hours in line did not get to vote.
Around 4 in the afternoon, someone called Mir Hossein Mousavi and told him that some have reached the decision to announced a 19 [million] vs. 14 win for Ahmadinejad. Mousavi called the officials to let them know.
Around 6 p.m. in the afternoon, Mousavi wrote a letter to the leader asking him to intervene and correct the voting irregularities we were continuously hearing.
Around 10 p.m. we heard some news that some are going to announce the end of the election with a win for Ahmadinejad. This is when counting votes had not started yet across the country.
Mousavi had a press conference and gave a warning regarding the counting process and mentioned some of the irregularities that had been reported.
Around 11 p.m. Mousavi wrote a confidential letter to the leader, I transferred the letter to the leader’s home/office myself and gave it to Mr. Vahid. We spoke for a few minutes and from his words I sensed that I must consider the election over. He said that he had sent a reminder to the interior ministry about the way they plan to announce the results, but he said that Mr. Ahmadinejad would win by a big margin. I told him that from all reports, eyewitness accounts, data and all logical assessment, it was just the opposite of what he was claiming.
After handing the letter, I came back to Mousavi. All our friends were there. Mousavi told the story to every single person and sought their advice. Everyone was dumbstruck. Nobody believed this result. And no report of such an outcome was sent to us by the officers overlooking the election centers [across the country]. After talking to everyone, Mousavi said: “the elections are people’s rights. I can’t give up people’s rights. I’m going to see this through and until this lie is cleared up, I will share the accounts of it with the people.”
The newspaper had been ordered not to headline anything that would predict the results. The Green Word [Mousavi's paper] had such a headline ready and was not permitted to run it. But, reports indicated that Iran and Kayhan newspapers were going to run a headline announcing Ahmadinejad’s victory [note, at this point, the final results had not yet been announced.] IRNA and FARCE had already declared Ahmadinejad the winner.
Mousavi left the meeting at around 2 in the morning. We were all talking to one another and everybody was trying to come up with a solution but the results announced by the interior ministry were so great that it was obvious they were leaving no room for argument or protest.
Around 4 in the morning I heard that there had been disperse confrontations in the campaign headquarters and tear gas had been thrown. [the headquarters were later raided].
Near the early hours of the morning, there were some in the street honking their horns, happy with victory.
I speak to Hamid Rasaee. Four months ago he’d said that Ahmadinejad would win 23 million votes and that he would veto the 22 million Khatami vote. He’d said that Mousavi would have around 10 million votes. I wasn’t as smart as he was, I congratulated him on his prediction.
In the morning, we met up again and spoke among ourselves. Then we went to see Mousavi. He was sitting there, calm and collected as always. He read his statement for us.
The phone is constantly ringing. Everybody is startled, some are crying, some are screaming. Some are depressed, others worried. When I look at Mousavi, I too am ashamed and I can’t help but cry. I seek refuge in the presence of the lord and hope that he will watch over you. Alas! The diary had to end this way …
Protests at Karaj University
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Documentary about Neda
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Khatami Talks to Students
At the beginning of this meeting Khatami said: “I am very pleased to meet with you and I believe it would be better if others who have responsibilities in the system would listen to others [views] as well.”
He added: “If we want to manage the society, we should have wider and brother communication channels, not that the connection only exists through special channels; and authorities should not expect that only what they approve of be said because if they listen to all ideas maybe great reforms could be achieved.” By pointing out the fact that these kinds of meetings could solve many problems he added: “Regretfully having these kinds of meeting has limitations which I hope would be eased.”
Khatami by asking the question that: “What has originated the problems and why this [crisis] has happened?” said: “If there is a slogan in the society that majority of the society don’t approve that, we should not immediately say that the enemy and foreigners have been meddling. Although in an unhealthy environment enemies will take advantage as well but some actions are frankly reactions to the behaviours and policies which have been employed and if there were no such policies, for sure there would not be such reactions.”
Khatami continued: “The Islamic Republic that people wanted was a Republic that would fulfill people’s historic demands, freedom, Independence, prosperity, the ability to criticise the government and free elections were its characteristics...Seeking justice is in the depth of the conscious of all of us ”
Khatami be emphasising on the fact that “We should stay on our fundamentals and values” said: “But we don’t want any violence, we want the situation be such that people trust the system, and the government trusts the people, but unfortunately this issue has been damaged and this is our problem and it is in the hands of the rulers to change it. Our slogan during the election campaign was change, both social changes and change in the way the country is being managed.”
He reiterated: “The university environment cannot be restricted, university should question, criticise and be free, the interference of the forces from outside university is wrong.”
He added: “People’s doubts about the elections won’t be resolved by denial and repression ... If we want to stay in the scene then elections both with regards to policies and execution should be such that can be trusted and if it is not then our presence does not have any meaning. Assuming that I invite people to participate in [future] elections; who would go to the polls? If they [rulers] care and we also want people to participate, then the political situation and the way elections have been executed should be changed....We want the people’s authority in its true meaning which the revolution was supposed to bring us”
Khatami by emphasising on the fact that those who have done so much for the revolution are being introduced as “enemy” in a sociological war and security environment, stressed: “By guiding this peaceful and civilised protests in a right path many of issued will be reformed and I wish authorities themselves would ask Mir Hossein Mousavi to lead this movement in the right path not that this much restrictions have been put in place and this much insults are being said”
Protests at Ghazvin University
Protests at Iran University of Science & Technology
Monday, November 16, 2009
Karroubi Blasts Violence of Regime
Mehdi Karoubi in a meeting with the members of the minority fraction of the parliament (reformist) by pointing out the events that happened on Nov 4th rally said: “Unfortunately people and especially women were brutally confronted [on Nov 4th] and this has made me and anyone who cares for the establishment and the country very sad.”
Karoubi added: “Regretfully there are some who want to create excuses to intrigue violence so that they could brutally repress [people] and unfortunately they are not thinking about the outcome of these kinds of behaviours and if they would have thought about it the crisis would have not reached to this stage.” He also asked youth by maintaining their calm and peace in any situation to avoid the violent acts which is what certain movements (pro-coup forces) would want to happen and don’t let some sick individuals provoke people to radical behaviours and as always keep rationality and humanity as their role model for the Green movement.
In this meeting Karoubi also talked about the attack against him during his visit to the media fair and said: “At the media fair there were many supporters who gathered around me and there were 2-3 individuals who were chanting against me and I was afraid of clashes between people and them, when some authorities of the fair guided me to a different route to exit the fair and I [suddenly] realised that there was no sign of people anymore but those 2-3 individuals who were chanting radial slogans against me and some others had been gathered around my car and I even raised my hand for them [in good will] and the pictures are such that they were welcoming me !”
Karoubi also referred to the night before the Nov 4th rally and the events that happened at the rally and said: “On the eve of Nov 4th they have called me from a specific organisation and told me not to attend the rally. On the morning of that day, the contacted me again and told me a terrorist group (Riggi’s group) had planned a suicide attack against me and told me not to attend the rally. I told the secret service protecting me not to come and I would go with my sons but they did not accept that and we all went together and you know the rest...”
Former speaker of the parliament also added that: “said that the only thing remained that people could rely on it to solve country’s problems is the parliament and a strong minority can be very influential in reflecting people’s demands as it has been proven in past and a parliament that truly reflects public opinion and the demands of the social layers of the country won’t act against these demands. Karoubi by looking back at the history of the efforts to eliminate Imam Khomeini’s allies by some after his passing said: “Although the efforts to eliminate Imam’s allies have been intensified with a more organised agenda, but the difference now in comparison to that time is that today youth and the new generation of the Revolution know what the dispute is about.”
Mousavi and Karroubi Meet with Bayat-Zangani

After Khatami's meeting with Grand Ayatollah Bayat-Zangani, Mousavi and Karroubi make different trips to visit him to wish for his recovery.
Sanei Blasts Lies of the Regime
Grand Ayatollah Saanei, one of the most senior religious figures who supported the Green movement from the very beginning, in meeting with the members of the Islamic Association of Art School while emphasising on the fact that “the increase and exacerbate of problems does not mean oppression’s domination and rule but rather is a sign of weakness” stated that “be certain the efforts and suffering of the people especially the academics’ will be fruitful.”
He also added that “although today some have become very skilful in lying but on the opposite side the skill of some is resistance. The allies of Imam Khomeini have the skill of resistance and according to the knowledge I have from them they will never give up their beliefs even though there might be some shortcomings in some cases.”
Grand Ayatollah Saanei added: “Lying is the characteristic of oppressors, when they see they are losing ground they turn to lying and rely on lies.”
Grand Ayatollah Saanei in continuation of his remarks considered putting pressure on people of the society one of the signs of weakness and added: “Increased pressure is a sign of weakness; arresting, imprisoning, and torturing are signs of weakness.”
Grand Ayatollah Saanei referring to redefining words by some in the government to justify their actions said that for some of these remarks a new dictionary must be written and added: “What is torture? When they don’t let someone after a long time sees his wife and children; isn’t this torture? When they keep someone who is a political protester several months in solitary confinement, isn’t this torture? When someone is ill and had heart surgery, then they put him in solitary confinement and prevent his release on bail in the court hearing, isn’t this torture?”
Grand Ayatollah Saanei while reiterating that “in expressing the justice, one should not give up under the pressures and quit” continued: “If we quit the oppression of oppressors will increase.”
Grand Ayatollah Saanei considered the solution to these problems educating the public and added: “Islam’s logic is knowledge but today some in contrast to Quran and Islam’s logic are trying to keep people uninformed. They want to keep people in the darkness of ignorance and for that reason the pressure on the society’s intellectuals, especially righteous and pious men and in particular the academic environments is increased but you inform the public about the present issues and problems as much as you can.”
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Karroubi Meets with Mousavi

Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi’s third meeting; Condemning violence against people especially against women
Tagheer News Agency: Yesterday afternoon Mir Hossein Mousavi went to Mehdi Karoubi’s home in order to while meet and sympathize with him for what happened on November 4th, have a talk with him regarding the actions committed against people and especially women on that day.
According to Tagheer’s report, at the beginning of this meeting Mr. Mousavi while condemning the actions of plain clothes militia committed against Mr. Karoubi on November 4th, said: “I was really saddened because of this attack against you but your behavior shows the heights of bravery and resilience of you and the people.” Mr. Karoubi in response while thanking for Mr. Mousavi’s sympathy, described people’s reactions as very kind.
In continuation Mr. Karoubi added: “Even if I put myself in government’s shows, I can’t convince myself why should such treatment be done against the people. I fought against Pahlavi’s regime (monarchist dictatorship before the 1978 revolution) officially for at least 15 years. Of course I consider myself a small soldier in the path of revolution but I saw demonstrations, I saw protests, I went to jail and I was on the run [from Shah’s security agents]. I remember it was around 1962 that the freedom movement had reached its heights. Those days we had similar demonstrations in Tehran and in front of Tehran University. Students chanted, the police would come and would disperse demonstrators. There wasn’t this kind of [harsh] confrontations. I announced that I would participate on November 4th but also everywhere I had interview I said [to people] that act in a way that doesn’t upset the establishment. Also from the previous day there were messages sent to me that “Don’t attend the ceremony. They are going to confront you.” and on the morning of that day also there was a letter sent from one the security agencies that Rigi’s terrorist group is planning on a suicide attack against me so I told my bodyguards anyone who was not willing and felt in danger should not accompany me but because of the promise I have made to people I should attend the ceremony.”
Mr. Karoubi then regarding the attack on him and his bodyguards said: “When it was not possible to continue with the car, we got out and joined the people that suddenly I saw that the head of my bodyguard is cracked and is bleeding. I first thought that they had hit him in head by a baton but then I realized that this had happened because of the direct shot of tear gas at us which had hit my bodyguard’s head. Meanwhile I notice a strange object in front of myself and started to suffocate. It felt that all of my face, my beard and eyebrows were on fire. During the revolution I was exposed to tear gas at least twenty times but this was something else.”
Mr. Karoubi while considering some of the slogans of the people radical, said: “One of the university academics came here the next day and said that because of some of the slogans people were chanting he had uncontrollably cried. Note that those who are beating people have escalated things to a point that encourage people to have radical slogans. I really don’t understand what kind of service is this that they are providing to the supreme leader. Of course if people were allowed to have a peaceful demonstration some would have come [from the government] and chanted death to America and the people would have chanted God is great and it would have been done.”
He continued: “I sometimes wonder if they themselves send a few among the people to abuse people’s enthusiasm and encourage them to show aggressive behavior so that they have an excuse to attack the people. People should avoid aggressive behaviors.”
Karoubi then referred to the attacks by Keyhan and other chain newspapers (which are run by the government and support the coup administration) against himself and Mr. Mousavi, and said: “It has been fifty years that I am involved with this revolution. The day Imam [Khomeini] passed away I had five commissions from him. You were Imam’s Prime Minister. The chain newspapers make false accusations against you and me that we have deserted Islam and the revolution but their accusations do not make us deserters of Islam and the revolution. I don’t know what kind of behavior is this that they consider themselves the scale of [good and bad] deeds and consider themselves like Imam Ali (the first Imam of Shi’a). If when we had newspapers, we would have published that for instance Mr. Asgar-Oladi or Mr. Morteza Nabavi (conservatives) are against the revolution, would that have made them so?”
Regarding the harsh confrontations with women, Mr. Karoubi added: “I remember that in the time of Pahlavi, when we went to an office or we were in line somewhere, when a lady would walk in the person in charge would ask for permission to first look after the business of that lady or in buses that men and women were not segregated then, men would stood up for the ladies to take their seats. But now in the Islamic Republic they treat women so brutally that we received constant news of bashing of the women with batons. I really don’t know who has issued permission for such behavior against people.”
Mr. Mousavi also in this meeting in describing the presence of people on November 4th said: “When that morning I was going to the Cultural Center for Art from home, I saw that they had put so many [security] forces in front of Tehran’s University that it seemed as if they were going to war. I told myself even if today not a single person comes out this still proves the power of the Green movement.”
Regarding the confrontation of the plain clothes militia with him, Mousavi said: “Around 9:00AM some gathered in front of the Cultural Center and started chanting. Then several plain clothes militia on bikes blocked both doors of the Center in Vali-Asr and Saba streets to prevent me from leaving and by closing down the parking door prevented me from having the privilege of joining the people and have a share in this spiritual reward.”
Mir Hossein added: “These people were trying to show their power by preventing my presence among the people but at the end it was the people who showed their power. They should recognize people’s right. What was wrong with people attending this demonstration? People would come and have their say peacefully. The footages of these brutal behaviors and attacks again people and beating ladies with batons will not have a good outcome [for them].”
Mousavi added: “This great movement is defending the fundamental values. It says don’t lie. It says lie is doomed. It says fraud is doomed. Those who beat people should not think that by terrorizing people can force them to stay home. Islam has taught are people not to be scared of anything on the path of justice. This imagination that repression is going to solve their problems is wrong. Repression can stop a riot but what we are witnessing in the country is not riot but rather demand of the legal rights.”
Mr. Mousavi added: “Radical slogans are often the result of brutality of security forces who unfairly attack old, young, woman or man. Especially the attack on women is the outmost of failure in our society’s acceptable traditions.”
He continued: “The Green movement condemns repression and will not be trapped in violence. All the people know that our weapon is our peaceful and wise slogans even if on this path we suffer damages. We demand complete execution of the constitution. We demand release of the political prisoners. We demand assurance for healthy elections. We demand freedom of press, media and speech. Islam is the religion of logics. It is not the religion of breaking pens and group close down of newspapers. Our people have the historic experience of putting flowers in the nozzles of rifles. Today even though they are being attacked, they know that the power of wisdom and peace defeats the all kinds of weaponries.”
Mir Hossein Mousavi added: “Despite all this unusual military and security show down, the extent and spread of people’s presence in many parts of Tehran and several other cities shows that the presence of people is not a passing excitement but rather a deep concern and wisdom for the future of the county.”
Khatami Visits Bayat-Zangani

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Ahmadinejad Moves to Remove Mousavi from the Academy of Arts
Ahmadinejad in an unprecedented act, as the head of the Revolutionary Cultural Council, by issuing a new memo... changed the existing constitution of the Academy of Arts so that it would lay the grounds for dismissing Mir Hossein Mousavi as the president of the Academy. According to this new amendment the president of the Academy would be appointed directly by the president (Ahmadinejad himself) even without any consultation with the members of the Academy! During Khatami’s administration it was approved that the president of the Academy would be elected by the permanent members of Academy’s General Assembly and the president as the head of the Revolutionary Cultural Court would approve the nominee as the president of the Academy of Arts.
There is no need to look further to get the point that this new amendment was issued with the aim of dismissing Mir Hossein Mousavi as the president of the Academy of Arts by Ahmadinejad. Mir Hossein Mousavi has been elected as the head of the Academy of Arts by the General Assembly for his great performance since it was founded about ten years ago. Although there are many speculations that Mousavi was going to resign as the president of the Academy of Arts before the end of his current term so that he would not need to get an “approval” (according to the old amendment) from Ahmadinejad for the new term, but the latest act by Ahmadinejad just shows his desperation and determination in isolating Mir Hossein Mousavi from the social and political scene of the country even by entering politics into arts!
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Next Big Thing: 16th Azar
There is a lot of talk about 16 Azar protests.
16 of Azar (7th of December) Roozeh Daneshjoo or Student’s Day as it is faithfully called in the Islamic Republic of Iran. A day meant to commemorate the student protests against Richard Nixon’s visit on 6 December 1953 (16 Azar 1332). Nixon, then the US vice president, was visiting Tehran less than four months after a CIA coup that had overthrown Dr Mohammad Mossadegh and brought the Shah back to power. Not only did the Shah’s regime confront the students, but three were brutally killed.
Every year, the president visits the University of Tehran’s engineering faculty (and sometimes, other universities) to commemorate this day.
What many non-students may not know however, is that every year, even years before the election, 16 Azar is violent, loud and chaotic.
However, unlike 13 Aban in which state-sponsored demonstrators have hit the streets, 16 Azar has always (at least in recent years) been confined to universities.
This makes it easier and harder to tackle.
Easier because students were given a collective chance to cancel classes, hit the sidewalks, shout and scream and protest. They were given better opportunity to organize.
But of course, it worked both ways. Authorities could clamp down all the protesters, confined in one space.
When I was a student, the student planning was relatively non-existent. Students showed up for a chance to shout, laugh and poke fun at authorities. But there was no collective will to protest anything or anyone specific.
Well, post-Just 12th, that has changed. Ahmadinejad has given students a reason to fight, a motivation to protest, and a collective will to organize.
We will have to see what they do with that.
Will Ahmadinejad be showing up at universities?
Khatami Meets with faculty members of Iran University of Science & Technology
Seyyed Mohammad Khatami, former president, in a meeting with a group of faculty members of Iran University of Science & Technology while strongly criticising the continuation of the militarised environment and the security measures enforced on the society said that one of the problems of our society is the lack of understanding and not taking advantage of the role of academia in our society. He added: “At the current situation, unfortunately the [academic] environment is getting more restricted, and regretfully the losses that the country will suffer because of these limitations are unrecoverable.”
The former reformist president by emphasising on the necessity of independence of the universities said: “In our administration (reformist) the concern of the government was for the universities to be independent and respected and that we try so that the “outside forces” won’t get the authorisation to intervene and enforce their views by any means.”
In part of his speech he said: “An intellectual is someone who recognises the expectations of his/her time and as I have said it in many occasions our time is the time that no one accepts tyranny and dictatorship and rejects it in all forms. One of the reasons for that is the fact that today the dictators of our time are claiming to be from the people; these are the problems of our time and are not related to east or west and today criticising [government] and freedom of expression have been accepted as rights.”
Seyyed Mohammad Khatami by pointing out the recent events of the country said: “The main factors in weakening the system are people’s dissatisfaction and using violence [by the government] in any form.Violence from any side, especially from the government is harmful for the society, religion and establishment. Using the violence by the government will cause radicalism and distrust, and if there is increasing dissatisfaction and distrust in a society, Islam and an establishment that carries Islamic title will get the first blow. If God forbids, the plans and actions are such that imply this to the society that violence, intimidation and threats are recognised means of the establishment and the enemies take advantage of this fact as well, more than anything, it would be the establishment that harms from this.”
He added: “Today the question is whether the satisfaction of the society especially of the intellectuals has been increased particularly during the events after the election? If not, one should find out what the problem is and those who created this situation and caused the increase of the dissatisfaction in the society are those who are weakening the establishment.”
He stressed: “This society belongs to us, but why is it that environment has been restricted so much? Why is it that the valuable figures who have a [different] view or an objection, not only are being eliminated [from political scene] but are suffering all kinds of insults and have been put under pressure?”
Khatami added: “While students, professors, scholars, artists, intellectuals who have a great background and even served the country during the Iran-Iraq war and those individuals who are saying that they recognise the constitution but have some criticisms as well are being insulted and falsely accused, unfortunately some [radical] slogans are being raised in the country that none of us approve, the establishment weakens and Iran suffers domestic and international damages.”
Khatami regarding the reasons that created the current crisis said: “These [problems] have been created because people are not being respected, objection and criticism are being considered as efforts to topple the establishment, the [national] media have been insulting and falsely accusing those who people are looking up to, and all of these is harming the system.”
Khatami explained his view in resolving these issues and said: “We should all return to the constitution and act according to the constitution and teachings of Islam, it should be accepted that it is not possible to run the society and the universities with military force and this kind of management is harmful for the interests of the country including its wealth, moral values and dignity.”
He also added: “The expectations was that the military and security measures would be eased, not that criticism and objection would be so costly for the society, this should be remembered that those who are criticising are not trying to topple the establishment but rather are care about the revolution and the society.”
Seyyed Mohammad Khatami reiterated: “But isn’t it that the rational criticism is costly today? Isn’t it that those who are criticising [the government] are being accused of all kinds of allegations that are true for the worst enemies of the country and the nation? If the answers to these questions are positive; these are the signatures of the diversion that should be modified and corrected to the right path.”
At the end of this meeting, khatami emphasised that: “The basis is the constitution; we want to have a glorious Iran. We want the people to consider the government as part of them and for the government to see people as part of itself. We want the government to welcome the criticisms against it as a blessing [to improve itself]...”
In this meeting five faculty members if Iran University of Science & Technology talked about their concerns regarding the current crisis in the society and the lousy, unscientific, irresponsible, non-realistic managements in various aspects of cultural, social, economic, industrial, agricultural, political, security, foreign diplomacy and relations, media and information, judicial sectors of the country.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Mousavi Interview
Here is an English part from his Facebook:
Some have their interests in having a divided society. / Taking the fanatic approach will take the country to a dead-end I feel that the tendency of power to become totalitarian has led to a structured corruption of power in different branches of the establishment. Considering the Imam's viewpoint, unity is not achievable based on political loyalties. The union approved by Imam, is a union that relies on components like national interests and a healthy survival of the Islamic establishment where your connections to power through family, friendship and acquaintance do not matter. One of the issues that was raised during the election was on whatever happened to the 300 Billion Dollars (of Oil revenues)
During the war, if an issue of financial corruption was raised it was immediately attended to. The smallest corruptions was magnified to a great degree (due to the ongoing war.) In the past, if there was an issue of a missing ten thousand dollars, without record of spending, this could have caused the fall of the then government. While now, the issue is on billions of dollars and nobody seems to care. If it was the early years of the revolution, this very legislation to provide direction to the subsidies (referring the Ahmadinejad's legislation to remove subsidies within 3 years) would not have been raised the way it is now. This legislation is not bad in itself. But [right now] we (referring the Ahmadinejad's government) are on one side talking about removing all the subsidies causing gas prices to increase, while on other side we are refusing the underground subway system its budget. On one side people's daily affairs would be interrupted under the pressure of high gas prices, and on other we put no effort on public transportation. This would cause serious problems for people. If it becomes common in a system (of government) for people to see that their rights are trampled without any objection, that system will move towards violence and dictatorship.
I sincerely believe that granting multi-billion dollar contract to Sepah (IRGC) is neither in the interest of the whole regime nor in the interest of Sepah.There are individuals who live in this way. I sincerely do not know if they have faith or are religious or not. There is a common atmosphere of accusations. We have people who have a very corrupt record, if it is viewed with the viewpoint of the Imam. Now they say that this great popular movement is all connected to the MKO. The interests of the country is in defining the circle of “insiders” such that there is very little left on the outside [allowing almost everyone a voice.] otherwise, we have to doubt our own behavior. We simply cannot put aside thousands of prominent managers who have served this country.What is happening these days is that the margins have become bigger than the context. The context has become very slim. I just say it symbolically: in this margin, we have many managers and clerics, a few marja’ a few ex-presidents, and even an ex-head of parliament. You can’t call this margin. This is a transaction. In a situation like this, those who have remained in the main context have to rely on garrisons because they don’t have the support of such a big margin. And this is what has happened: in order to prevent coma, we became numb and insensitive as if suffering from leprosy. It is in our country’s interest to agree on a fundamental and important matter: the constitution. You and I may have difference of opinion but we have to agree on the constitution to solve our problems. We should put aside our differences and attempt to reform.The people who participated in the revolution didn’t come to the scene to face so many problems. They came for a better life and for freedom.
Different University, Same Story
Protests at Elm & San'at University
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Protests Continue at Khajeh Nasir University
A Revolution Betrayed
Here is an English Summary:
This was not our promise has made a connection between the post-election bitter truth and Mirdamadis comments, and has created a moving scene. In the opening ceremony of Participation Front (Reformist) Symposium, Mirdamadi had said: It was not supposed that we just raised our voices and cried tears of regret to say there is no freedom in the United States or in Europe but completely forget the basic and human rights of our Iranian citizens. Our system was supposed to be Islamic Republic and a Republic similar to what exists in other countries. The nations vote was supposed to be the scale not that some decide instead of the nation and in the name of the nation, and hold their control so tight that even the pioneers of the revolution and the holly defense (the eight year defense against Iraqs invasion) become disqualified.
It was not supposed that in the Islamic Republic establishment, faith, morality and national unity of Iranian society are weakened and freedom, democracy, human rights, logic, progress and all that is linked to the modern world and successful experiences of the mankind get forgotten. Dr. Mohsen Mirdamadi, the energetic and full of life man who 30 years ago was at the front line for making progress in the revolution, is now at the front line of the court as the defendant. Maybe he never thought that one day they would make him sit with pajamas and slippers in a court room to humiliate him. Maybe he never thought that one day he would be accused of trying to overthrow the same revolution that from his youth he suffered to strengthen. Surely he never thought of it...
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hunger Strike at Khajeh Nasir University
Following the arrests of two students of the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Khajeh Nasir University, for the second consecutive day today November 8, 2009 students of this university went on an unprecedented hunger strike and protested in front of the university’s cafeteria and chanted “God is great” (as a symbol of resistance to the coup government). According to the reports in this protest students opposed arrests of their colleagues and announced that they would continue their protests until their release. Classes were cancelled in the Electrical Engineering Department and students were chanting slogans in protest to University Security forces.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Karroubi on 13th of Aban
Here is an English summary from Mousavi's Facebook:
One of the most important events that happened after the revolution, for those who approve or disapprove of it, was the takeover of the US Embassy and every year this event has been remembered.Many political groups had announced their participation and this year... I announced that I would participate too and start from Haft-e-Tir Square towards the former US Embassy. I had especially told people that should there be radical slogans I would stop there to stop the radical slogans and those who wanted to chant radical slogans separate from us.When we got near Haft-e-Tir square, the police forces stopped us and they were very brutally towards confronting people.
I stopped and thought they would think twice and would also let me pass but things got even harsher and they hit the guards who were with me and even wounded two of my guards. They also used tear gas that dispersed people and also caused me to suffocate somewhat. I got back in the car and returned which I don’t get to say what happened on our way back. They were especially brutal against women, which is really ugly and bad for us [as a society]. My question is why this happened. The most that could happen was people would have gone to the embassy; some would have chanted “Death to America!” and some would not have or would have had other normal chants like “The Islamic Republic”, and we would have tried to prevent people from chanting radical slogans.
But my even more important question is about the two-faced policies of the government that until recently was repetitively trying to change its policy towards the Unite States. It was communicating and sending congratulatory messages while they would not even respond. I can’t read all that text here but I invite you to read the discussion of Tabriz member of the parliament where he mentions a meeting with fifty of important American figures from politicians, scholar, journalists, and intellectuals in the presence of Ahmadinejad for two hours which he also considers fruitful.As a political figure, I tell you if there was such a meeting held during any of the past administrations in the past twenty years, the extremists, especially in Qom, Tehran and Tabriz would make scenes but how come there was no issue and chain newspapers like Keyhan had no objection; and now suddenly what happened that again there is massive propaganda and accusations against the United States.
I don’t say chant or don’t chant; I say that the national interests of Iranians is not something that should be influenced by us as the government that every day changes based on a different interpretation that people don’t know about its secrets and don’t even hear about it. One day there is a meeting with fifty important American delegates and the relationship between the two countries, Afghanestan, nuclear issues, and oil are all discussed and another day the government completely mess up everything. I feel that these kinds of policies make problems for our people and reveal that the government is confused and does not know what it is doing.I consider it my duty to tell these even if it may have consequences and hardship for me and I have no problem with that. This two-faced approach will make people to lose trust and tomorrow they will not trust the government anymore which is only fair.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Security Forces Attack People
Protests Erupt on 13th of Aban