The story from Mousavi's Facebook:
Plain clothes militia set the office of Nasrollah Torabi, one of the reformist members of the parliament and representative of the people of ShahreKurd (west of Iran), on fire last night. Torabi in an interview with ParlemanNews said that after his speech in the parliament in criticism of the government some banners were distributed against him throughout the city of Shahrekurd with the support of the governor’s office.
He added: “In the middle of the night some made their last pathetic attempt and set the office of a representative of the people on fire with the aim of silencing the members of the parliament.” He continued: “These individuals don’t want anyone to say anything in their criticism or against their will and they want everyone in the society acts as they wish and even if someone criticises them they ask their agents in cities to set their offices on fire so that they intimidated other members of the parliament and make them keep quiet.” Torabi asked people to be patient regarding this incident and said: “The intelligence bodies and their affiliated organisations should act immediately and confront those responsible for this act.” He also raised the question how come the Iranian intelligence service have surveillance on even the slightest thing that someone says on a cell phone but they could not stop or confront those who have committed this organised and premeditated attack!
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