Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Hajarian Released
Thankfully he has been released from custody and perhaps can now try to recover from his dreadful experiences.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Importance of Student Protests
Universities have traditionally been a place for political activities and protests not just in Iran but around the world. Having thousands of young and idealistic people together in a small area is bound to create dissent against brutal regimes like the one currently in power in Iran. Moreover many of the ideas of the reform movement came from intellectuals who learned and taught at the Universities of Iran. Iran has one of the best educated populations in the Middle East and many students attend the Universities of Iran after they graduate high school.
Student protest in Iran is a tradition in Iran going back to the opposition to the Shah. During the school year right before the 1979 Revolution, campuses across Iran started protesting and this help to spread the protests to the greater population. Student protests against this regime have gone on for years with the 1999 student protests being the most dramatic example.
It is clear that the current protests will continue in the Universities and the students are not going to sit idly by while their nation is taken down such a horrible path. We will see how long these protests can be sustained and if they can be moved to the greater population. We will also have to wait and see what the regime will do in response possibly clamping down or shutting schools. One thing is for certain that these protests show that the will of the Iranian people is not defeated and the young people of Iran will carry on the fight for freedom.
More Video of Protests at Sharif University
Student Protests Spread
Mousavi's New Statement
Mousavi has put out a new statement to the Iranian people in which he praises the Qods Day victory and urges Iranians to continue to stand up to the regime through non-violent means:
Without a doubt, the Quds day demonstrations remain a highlight of the events of the past few months. Promising results are expected out of what occurred during this event, which cannot be attributed to one faction or one view. Rather, [these] achievements belong to all of those who have roots in this land, even if some are not able to feel this blessing and this gift due to their own incorrect judgments.
In fact, those who felt defeated by this year’s Quds, gained the most. They saw in the clearest sense that three months of unprecedented violence did not have the smallest effect on the presence of the people, and in fact, made it stronger. If not for the opportunity on Quds day, it would have been months from now when they would have been met with their own blunders in the celebrations of Bahman (the demonstrations held in celebration of the revolution in February) and they would have come face to face with the high cost of their own mistakes at a time when it would have been much too late.
Violence is not the solution. Meet all with empathy (as opposed to enmity.) Violence is like a horse that throws the rider to the ground. People have every right to feel angry about hostile security measures and unrelenting provocative propaganda, even if justifiably their righteousness does not change the consequences of their anger. The amount of fruit we harvest from our endurance depends on the amount of patience thoughtfulness that we are willing to maintain. If we move towards unreasonable extremes, it is possible to, in one day, lose the fruit of a week’s or a month’s hard work. Our people deserve better treatment from the authorities because they are alert and thoughtful. And a thoughtful person is he who can not only distinguish between good and bad, but also between good and better, or between bad and worse.
Likewise, when we are talking about living the green path, we don’t mean something complicated, innovative, or new. Rather, it is pointing to something that is currently being experienced. It is also pointing to the fact that our people’s movement nowadays, unlike in the past, is the beginning of a certain type of life. There is great pleasure in being smart and lively; in homophony and communication; in closing an eye to others’ faults, which makes life bountiful.
In addition, there is a power in the awareness of our nation that saves our nation from bearing many miseries. Our people are not afraid to pay the cost to revive their rights because ‘a place in heaven is earned with a price, not based on a desire.’ At the same time, if we want the results of our social movement to last, we better use a mixture of bravery and wisdom.
Now because of the wrong and adventurous foreign policy of a government that people have to bear, the country is on the verge of crises that will hurt the poor the most. If we had a confrontational approach, maybe in our simple minds we would have thought that this is a point for our green movement, but when we want to live through our green path, this [approach] cannot be our approach.
People who want to be independent and experience a congenial life should prevent the very first steps that lead them to failure. My birthday is not the 7th of Mehr (September 28th), it is the day that I got to know you. Even if I was born the 7th of Mehr, it would not have been appropriate for your movement to deteriorate with personalities. I hope you see that these words stem from my sincere concern and not from false modesty.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Nuclear Qom
Protests at Tehran University
Dastgheib Speech to Assembly of Experts
Ayatollah Dastgheib gave a brave speech to the Assembly of Experts in which he asked them to act on behalf of the people. Conservatives are going after him and are even arguing that he should be removed from the Assembly of Experts. Here is a translation of the speech:
But who is the guardian of this constitution? Can anybody other than the experts assume this role? Who is responsible for investigating devastations from the constitutions and who should be hold responsible for such deviations? Only the Experts can assume that role. But now why is it that when it becomes necessary to meet so that the experts could investigate deviancies from the constitution, the experts either find themselves incapable to meet or do not meet at all; even the president of the assembly who has been elected with more than 50 votes (out of 80) could not call for a meeting. Is not this just a complete ignorance on part of the Guardian Council towards the basic fundamentals of the constitution? Including the way members of the Guardian council are selected? An issue that I have suggested that the confirmations from two prominent scholars of Qom should be enough [for the selection for the members of the council] but not body paid attention. It would have been great if the honorable Ayatollah Rafsanjani had followed up so that today we wouldn’t have this problem and so many questions and concerns wouldn’t have been left without sufficient answers. People are aware that the fundamentals of Guardianship of the Islamic Juror [1] are in the constitution and they agree with it. If the constitution in not acted upon however, the fundamentals, in articles 5 and 110, will not be acted upon either.
2) Issue of desecrating Imam (Khomeini’s) loyal supporters who have put their wealth, dignities and lives for the continuation of the Islamic Republic for years: This desecration started four years ago until recently when IRIB (Islamic Republic of Iran broadcast – state TV.) Prominent figures like Ayatollah Rafsanjani , Hojataleslami Karoubi, and the sires Mr. Khatami and Mir Hossein Mousavi have been berated so significantly that cries of friends of the revolution and laughter of its enemies have been heard all over. Is the drama that unfolded legal? Was it based on constitution and derived from it? If no, why did all the Experts [here] kept their silence? Is it enough to sit down and grieve?
4) What is this situation that has overcome our society, and even the parliament? Whenever anyone of an opinion, a Marja, or a scholar makes a criticism, there some that, in support of a specific group, prepare themselves to remove that person from the scenes. All just so that some could be relieved and satisfied.
5) The Experts are responsible for protecting the Islamic ordinances and the belief of people in Quran and the tradition of the prophet (May peace be upon him) and his immaculate kin. This important responsibility is not fulfilled in the current events and unfortunately the efforts of the Islamic scholars have decreased.
6) In the end, I would like to say that it is still not late to ask from this assembly and the honorable speaker to invite Mr. Mousavi, Mr. Khatami and Mr. Karoubi to say what they want to say. Do not assume that everything has ended. People have faith in you.
In other words, concealing the distrust of some part of the society and neglecting them is unfair; for instance, the objection of the Islamic scholars and professors of universities and the rest. It is important to lessen this distrust to a minimum. Such that, if it is not possible to invite Mr. Mousavi and Mr. Karoubi to this assembly the State TV invites them so that they would express their objections. If that is not possible either, they can do so through the Assembly of Expert’s website. So that the members of the Assembly can express their opinions on whether there has been a breach of the Constitution or not.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Green Wrestling Tournament
Cleric Blasts Ahmadinejad on State TV
Hojjatoleslam Seyyed Mehdi Tabatabayi Shirazi, known in Iran as the television ethics teacher, raked the Iranian president and his officials over the coals during a live debate program on IRIB 2.
In the beginning of the program, when presenter Morteza Heydari attempted to ask a rhetorical question, Tabatabayi said, "I want to make it clear that you are not to use what I say here for what you have in mind."
In response to a question about how rumors spread in society, Tabatabayi said, "When we keep harping on a subject, it creates doubts for listeners. You congratulated the president for his reelection once, and that's enough. Why do you keep insisting every now and then that millions participated in the election and voted for a certain person and then congratulate him [again]?"
"How many times will you express your appreciation for the mass turnout of the people? There is a saying that goes: 'You told me once, and I believed you. You told me twice, and I got suspicious. The third time I became certain that you are lying.'"
"Instead of this [behavior], it is better for the man who is now president to ask those who support his rivals what they want so that as president he can [represent] their views too."
"The prophets were humble and showed leniency in the face of mockery. We are not prophets so it is necessary to apologize to the people on television for the mistakes we have made."
Heydari, who appeared shocked by Tabatabayi's remarks, asked once again what caused rumors to spread in society.
Tabatabayi replied, "Society is like the human body. When functioning well, it is balanced. But when we show extremist tendencies, the results are what we see today. You are a doctor yourself, so you should know that you don't sprinkle salt over a wound, you bandage it."
"We cannot bow our heads and think people are unable to see [through] what we are doing. No people understand very well.
"We should not say that everything the people say is a lie."
"I would like to tell the people that there are easier and less complicated ways to have themselves heard. But the person who lies is constantly trying to alter his stories and is scared."
"God bear witness that I have used this opportunity to say everything that needs to be said."
"He who has weaknesses and cannot carry out his responsibilities well tends to accuse others."
"Whoever holds a position for which he is not suitable should, instead of accusing others, abdicate his responsibilities."
"Do not think that I am willing to do anything for the Islamic Republic and safeguard the establishment. No. Many ask me why I don't hold a high position despite being one of the veterans of the revolution. I always answer, 'I didn't know how [to grovel for a position]."
"They ask why the elite has remained silent. I don't consider myself as one of the elite but what else can we do? Break our silence so that you can play with our reputation? So that you can take away our credibility?"
"If you want to restore the faith of the people you must do as was done in the beginning of the revolution, make use of politicians -- and in matters of religion, refer to the Sources of Emulation. Religion is something that must be left to the clergy, not laymen."
"I know nothing about engineering, therefore I cannot interfere in engineering matters. The same applies to a person who knows nothing about religion and must refrain from rendering opinions on religion."
"Mr. [Esfandyar Rahim] Mashai must only express his opinion on topics within the limits of his knowledge and nothing more."
"More recently, Mister... [Ahmadinejad] wrote in a letter that my government is the most pious and faithful of the governments of the past century. What is the meaning of this? God forbid, does he see himself as more pious that the late Imam [Khomeini]?"
"I have lived my life and not much of it is left. But I would like to ask the people to pray for my forgiveness if -- God forbid -- I have not carried out my duty in preventing people from losing their faith."
Green Movement Still Going
In a live broadcast on Iranian state television a mullah gives spiritual advice. An in-caller is talking about her marital problems, then she suddenly says: “Coincidentally, my husband has the same name as our newly elected president, Mir Hussein Mousavi,” The moderator silences, the program is interrupted.
On money you will nowadays often find a green victory sign or the words “Down with the dictatorship”. Or a thumbnail portrait of Neda, the best known dead from the unrest in the days after the election in June. The print works give a professional impression, instructions circulate on the internet.
A football match in Isfahan, many spectators wearing green. The television cameras are trying to avoid these images. However, Green is the colour of the football club in Isfahan; now the club is requested to find a different colour.
The movement for democracy is visible in Iran, despite of all repression, torture and show trials. It is not strong enough to stop the Ahmadinejad government. But it is strong enough to keep the country in tension. Because meetings are banned, official occasions are subverted, eg. last Friday: During the anti‐Israel Quds rallies tens of thousands held their fingers up forming the V‐sign, demanded the release of imprisoned reformers. On this day, an experience from June repeated and changed the psychology of society: It is possible to take to the streets and defy prohibitions. It is dangerous but possible.
The young, the students whose creativity influenced the aesthetics of the movement, still burn for the hope of something great to happen, a radical change ‐ in the system as in their lives. More prudent Iranians fear the power vacuum of a regime falling apart rapidly.
The 68‐year‐old Mir Hussein Mousavi, a candidate in June, remains the figurehead for all sides; but it is the width of the movement which makes him virtually incapable of acting. Coming from the system himself, the former prime minister wants to win as many of Ahmadinejad’s conservative opponents as possible. For the moderates within the nomenklatura, Mousavi offers a great advantage, an insider explained: “You know, he might take away their power, but not their lives.” But at the same time Mousavi has to appear unyielding, if he doesn’t want to lose the support of the young, and of the modern middle classes.
On the street outside his home, the regime has installed surveillance cameras. When Mousavi leaves home, a double cordon accompanies him: his own people and a troop of the Revolutionary Guard. The danger of being arrested is become greater for the leading group, so earlier plans for founding a party or a mass organization were discarded. The movement for democracy is to expand as a “network” which can’t be banned.
“Everyone appreciating the Iranian and Islamic identity of the country as a value and the constitution as the fundament for action is welcome “said Alireza Beheshti, a close adviser Mousavi. “The framework of the Islamic Republic should remain, but with corrections”, can be heard in Mousavi’s vicinity. Especially the civil rights under the constitution should show to advantage, including freedom of expression and freedom of assembly.
In his statements “to the people of Iran”, which Mousavi only can send out on the internet, he calls for: a reform of the electoral law, press freedom, the licensing of private radio and television stations, a law prohibiting the military to intervene in economics and politics, the release of political prisoners and the penalisation of atrocities in the prisons. In Tehran, it is said that along with this minimum catalogue subject-specific sections have begun “with the preparations for a new government”. Members of the current administration as well as Iranians living abroad are said to be involved in these groups.
Replacing the powerful revolutionary leader, a group of five to eight clerics should directly be elected by the people for a limited period of time. They should represent a religious pluralism equivalent to the freedom of choice in Shiite everyday life, where believers are free to choose the teachings of a scholar they want to follow. In future, nobody should be allowed to rely on divine authority. Mousavi: “Nobody has the right to say: How I look at the Islam is the one and only valid way.”
This will be no quick go. Sustained pressure and a progressive wearing down of Ahmadinejad’s regime could force him to resign over the medium term, that is the hope. Mousavi does not insist in replacing him. To gain time for the elucidation of the population, an intermediate solution might be necessary. This could look like this: Ahmadinejad resigns in favour of the Tehran mayor Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf. The moderate, popular conservative had recognized the width of the People’s Movement in June, when he estimated the demonstrators to be in the three millions.
Mousavi is resembling the figure of the king in chess: small moves, in case of danger retreat, always covered by his men. It is not cowardice. His fellow campaigners assume the movement to slide into the underground, to radicalize and to narrow dangerously, if Mussawi is detained. He sees himself as someone who can open an unbloody way to change. But then the people have to decide which system they want to live in.
For the first time since the Iranian revolution of 1979, the Iranian opposition abroad has found a common language with the forces of change within the country. This opens up options that were unthinkable only recently. In the case Mousavi and Karroubi are arrested, the leadership of the Green movement would automatically be taken over abroad. Soon a statement will be released in Tehran, saying a five‐member committee in the diaspora ‐ the names are not disclosed ‐ is authorized to replace the leadership in case needed. The symbolic gesture says a lot in a country where the fear of foreign agents is almost obsessive. And Mousavi signals the regime: Look out! If you arrested me, you obstruct the peaceful path to change.
Revolutionary Gaurd Buys Majority Stake in Iran's Telecommunication Company
In the biggest trade of Iran’s Stock Market history, Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) has bought 51% of Iran’s Telecommunication Company, with the value of eight billion dollars, in only half an hour !!! This gives an insight into this organisation’s unli...mited resources and power. This takes over raises the military, economical and political monopoly of the Revolutionary Guards, who were basically the coup forces that brought Ahmadinejad to power, to new levels....
Mousavi's Birthday
According to ParlemanNews while there have been plans made by Mir Hossein Mousavi’s supporters inside and outside the country for the celebration of the sixty eighth anniversary of his Birthday (Sept. 29, 2009), a group of his supporters in Lebanon ...have planned a celebrating in Beirut’s Najme Square in his honour on Monday (Sept. 28)....We are countless !
Another Ahmadinejad Minister Plagiarizes
An article published on the French daily newspaper Libération, in a letter to Christophe Claramunt, a professor at the institute of research of the school of Navale, an Iranian scientist demonstrates how Iran’s Minister of Transport Mr Behbahani has actually duplicated parts of a work of Christophe Claramunt, his Chinese colleagues and a Canadian colleague by the name of Gerry Forbes in 2002, 2003 and 2004. . However, Mr Behbahani has failed to cite the sources for the copied sections. Behbahani along with two other Iranians by the names of Hasan Ziyari and Mohammad Kheibari published their plagiarised work in 2006 in a Lithuanian journal at the Technical University of Vilnius
Liar, Where is your 63%
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Science Minister Forged Paper
Iranian researchers say they are dismayed and angered that a 2009 paper1 coauthored by Kamran Daneshjou, Iran's science minister, appears to have plagiarized a 2002 paper2 published by South Korean researchers. The similarities between the articles were revealed yesterday by Nature . Iranian scientists say they intend to press for an examination of the allegations, and for the minister's resignation — should wrongdoing be established.
Song for Green Movement
Friday, September 25, 2009
Green Protest in Paris
Letter from Taheri Esfahani to Montazeri
I find myself obligated to inform you of my deepest gratitude and support (as well as the support of the erudite and conscientious clergy) regarding your courageous and lucid statement about the horrifying events of recent months. You, sir, are a knowledgeable pragmatist, a founding father and a mujahid of the Islamic movement and among main companions of the departed Imam (may God bless his soul) before the victory.
It is undoubtedly difficult and disappointing for you (and for anyone else who has sacrificed their life, their well being, and their loved ones) for the sake of opening the doors of compassion, justice, freedom and prosperity in this land) to witness these uninvited, ravenous guests; those people who are suddenly busy stealing the religion and corrupting the dignity of the nation, the country and the establishment as well as the pure blood of the martyrs and the struggle of the Muslim nation, post-revolution. With their sensitive souls, with their hearts, their voices, their writings, and their concerns, those who have made sacrifices have constantly been trying to reform and to salvage. With difficulty, they attempt to both restore the path [of the Revolution] and return to it; to the original principles that it had espoused. It is devastating that the authorities have caused a catastrophe by alienating the revolutionaries, the companions of the Imam, the real inheritors of the system and replaced them with opportunists, sycophants and hypocrites. It is devastating to see that the armed forces are allowed to meddle in politics and anger, hostility and hate is chosen over common sense, good council, and wisdom. They have intimidated and insulted the nation for the sake of some time in power. Such a disaster has been produced that cleansing its detrimental effects from the establishment and the clergy is not only very hard, it’s almost impossible.
Regretfully, individuals who are by the rules of law, Sharia, and wisdom, required to practice practice self-discipline and restrict their commanding and aggressive behavior toward objecting, defenseless people, have turned a deaf ear. They regard any valid objection as the word of a foreign enemy and treat [those who do object] in the most repulsive and un-Islamic way. This behavior is currently manifested in the prisons and illegal courts. The most unfortunate fact is that they have attributed all of their behavior to the now-misused religion and that they compare themselves to the holiest figures of Islam; “The love of the [materialistic] world makes them deaf, blind and dumb”. The Shi’ite clergy is now subject to a great test. For the sake of preserving the Islamic Republic and upholding the rights and social freedoms which are clearly outlined both in the Constitution and the declaration of the Revolution, [the clergy] must pressure and give counsel to the authorities. Along this path, the first step is to “command decency and forbid wickedness ” and “to instruct the Muslim leaders ”. If (God forbid) we neglect to do so, we will all be punished and questioned before history, before our dear martyrs, and our people.
May God help us all succeed on the path of reforming ourselves and our society, and may God grant you greater eminence and success.
Sanei Letter to Mousavi
Greetings to my honourable friend – the kind and faithful Mr. Mir Hossein Mousavi,
long-time supporter of the departed Imam and of the nation,
I received your letter. We wish you success with your noble plans and projects. We hope that they will be met with increased social awareness – something that has always been at the fore of the missions of the great prophets, the sacrifices of the martyrs, the devotion of the pious and the prayers of those close to God. In addition, we anticipate the attainment of civil rights and the realization of justice as a cultural product of our society.
We must be mindful of the fact that one of the key goals of any plan is to strengthen the union between all abused people because the source of all happiness and hope lies in this very unity on the path of God. We must take great care so that, God forbid, this message of unity does not become a tool for the oppressors to [take advantage of and] attack the oppressed. Such development would lead to nothing but further oppression.
Protest Continue for Second Night Outside Ahmadinejad Hotel
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Green Scroll Makes its Way across Brooklyn Bridge
Mousavi Letter to Montazeri and the Response
So Mousavi sent a letter to Grand Ayatollah Montazeri about the recent events and he received a response in which Montazeri blasts the regime. Here are parts of the letters:
Letter of Mr. Mir Hossein Mousavi:
In the Name of God, the Merciful and the Compassionate,
To the honourable Marja, the Grand Ayatollah Montazeri,
I released the attached statement in response to the events of the past few months. We have always felt a need to work with the honourable marjas and devoted clerics, and this encouraged me to send a copy to you in order to ask for your guidance.
The first goal of this statement is [to disseminate the message] that if people feel anger and discontent, they should not direct the negative feelings that fill their hearts toward religion. This reminder is the responsibility of all of those who have been deeply influenced by Islam – especially the clerical elite. They must not allow different social groups (especially the youth, who compose the majority of our population) to be fooled by the shallow, mistaken and selective interpretations of our religion and to distance themselves from Islam based on sudden surges of emotion.
Response of the Grand Ayatollah Montazeri:
In the name of God, the Merciful and the Compassionate,
Dear Mr. Mir Hossein Mousavi,
May God support your success,
First, please accept my greetings. I received your letter dated 09/12/2009 and reviewed the attachments. You are a man of great character and your commitment to the ethical and religious values and goals of the revolution are obvious to all. The tremendous services of your government during the imposed war, and your constant support of the departed Imam Khomeini (May the love and mercy of God be upon him) are clear to everyone. During the recent presidential election and the subsequent confrontations and atrocities, you became the focus of numerous classes of people and gifted individuals. This was, in fact, a test imposed on you by the great God and by our vigilant people. You have indeed passed it. So far, and to the best of your capacity, you have defended the desecrated rights of those people [whose high turnout and participation in the election] was a great source of pride for our country. As such, you deserve acknowledgement and gratitude.
By committing to such atrocities, a system under the rule of Islam that takes pride in being Shiite creates pessimism toward Islam and announces the inability of Islam to bring about justice in a society not only on global scale but also in our own nation, among our own masses and youth. Unfortunately, decision makers at the top have turned a blind eye to these clear truths, and are content to the eulogies of their poets, and flattering of their fawners. I beseech the great God for your wellbeing and success on this treacherous path.
Lebannon Doesn't Show Up
Nightly Protest Continue
Empty Seats Greet Ahmadinejad
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Protests Against Ahmadinejad Outside Iranian Mission
Eye on the Ball
The less attention Ahmadinejad receives while he is in the U.S. the better. But if he is to receive the attention of the media and the citizens of this country, let’s make sure it’s for the damage he has caused to his own nation and to his own people, not for his silly and seemingly uninformed views on historical events.
Mr. Ahmadinejad Please Stay
Mr Ahmadinejad, Please STAY!
Mr Ahmadinejad, Where is my Vote? - New York Chapter is a group of young Iranian-Americans that was formed in the aftermath of the June 2009 presidential elections in Iran. As you intend to come to our city for the United Nation’s General Assembly, we would like to let you know that we have found a perfect solution to the tragedy that you have brought upon us and yourself. First, let us elaborate on how we have reached such a disastrous situation, and second we would like you to please seriously consider our proposal.
Mr Ahmadinejad, the official results of the vote of the 12th of June are as true as your subsequent explanations for the massive post-election protests. If anyone had doubts that there was massive fraud in the elections, the mind blowing Orwellian rhetoric that you employed to make your case removed them all.
Mr Ahmadinejad!
When for several weeks in a row, millions of Iranians poured into the streets of Iran to protest your “decisive victory”; you dismissed all of them as a few disgruntled nobodies influenced by foreigners.
When Neda Agha-Soltan was shot in the streets by your agents, your friends said that it was a plot by the CIA and that her videos were fake and produced by CNN. When people asked for her murderers to be identified, you asked Interpol to arrest Arash Hejazi, the doctor who tried to save Neda’s life.
When opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi provided you with evidence that people were raped and tortured in your jails, your friends setup a committee to investigate more than 500 allegations and surprisingly it took them less than 24 hours to conclude that these were baseless claims and rumors.
When former vice-president Ali Abtahi accused you of cheating in the elections, you had him arrested (along with hundreds of former officials) and obliged him to confess that he was involved in a foreign plot to overthrow the Islamic Republic.
When millions of Iranians shouted “Death to the Dictator!” from their rooftop every night to protest your bloody repression, your friends said it was a plot orchestrated by the “Bahai’s” through the BBC, which you call the “Baha’i Broadcasting Company”.
Mr Ahmadinejad, what on earth do you think you are doing? Do you really think that you can alter facts or reverse the course of history?
Mr Ahmadinejad, the civil awakening of the people of Iran is not something that you or anyone else can stop. The number of your friends is dwindling by the day and your erratic behavior has alienated your most hard-line followers. The house of lies that you are desperately trying to bring together is crumbling.
Mr Ahmadinejad, we believe that the current struggle is one between justice and oppression, one between truth and lies and one between the will of the people versus the special interests of a few. In this struggle, you have chosen the wrong camp and you are rapidly running out of tools. On our side however, the Green Tree of Hope is growing faster than ever, and every single day brings a new set of opportunities and every single one of your actions adds thousands of smart and talented minds to our cause.
Mr Ahmadinejad, we are young, naïve and full of hope, but we strongly believe in the power of new and creative ideas, we believe that we can still save you from yourself. While many of your broad range of opponents were saying that you should not be allowed to come to New York for the United Nation’s General Assembly, we have a different opinion. We believe not only that you should come, but that you should use this extraordinary venue to make history; we believe that you should accept our invitation to STAY in New York.
Mr Ahmadinejad, we believe that by staying here, you can make a lot of people, including yourself, much happier. The people of Iran do not want you as president, and they have proven that they will fight for freedom till the end. You are currently on the front line of this fight, but on the wrong side; we only wish to offer you a quiet exit.
Mr Ahmadinejad, Please Stay!
Rafsanjani to Ahmadinejad: Follow System
Mr President, it is time for you to compromise, especially with the senior clerics, in a process overseen by the Supreme Leader. Doing so, you will acknowledge where the final authority lies in the Islamic Republic: with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, backed by his clerical experts, and not with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Doing so, you will acknowledge that your direction and your officials are responsible for post-election abuses which must be punished and redressed.
Welcome to NY
Protest Tomorrow
12:30pm – Rally outside the Iran mission to the United Nations
40th St. & 3rd Ave.
The Iran mission serves as Ahmadinejad’s NYC headquarters when he visits the United Nations. Ahmadinejad will be meeting with allies throughout the week, so this is a chance to make our strong presence felt.
3:00pm – Procession to the United Nations Plaza
Walk north on 3rd Ave. to 47th St., and east into the main rally area.
4:00pm – Rally outside the United Nations Building
Enter from 2nd Ave. & 47th St.
Ahmadinejad is to speak before the UN General Assembly around 5:00pm; our rally will last the duration of his speech.
Empire State Building Will Turn Green, Sort of

Green Movement activists have lobbied the Empire State Building to turn Green, but they have been denied since the building does not make political statements. Yet conviently this Thursday the building will turn Green to mark the anniversary of the Wizard of Oz. A previous time the building turned Green gives you an idea of what it will look like:
Organizers have notified their email lists, and many demonstrators plan to stand under the building and cheer when it lights up in the evening. Photographers documenting the protests plan to post the view online for inspiration around the globe, organizers said.
"The universe is smiling and the stars are aligned!" wrote one blogger, named Anonymous Iran. "I'm so happy I could cry!"
The green lighting will happen the same day demonstrators plan to unfurl a nearly mile-long green banner across the Brooklyn Bridge. Sadra Shaba, a 24-year-old graduate student and protest organizer for Voices for Iran, said protesters "consider anything that's green part of our movement. Even the Statue of Liberty is green."
Awkward Moment
So there has been much buzz around the Internet about Rafsanjani's and Hassan Khomeini's decision to attend the end of Ramadan ceremonies in which Khamenei gave a very nasty speech about the Green Movement last Sunday. I think it was not a big deal since it is an important day in Islam and for the government in general. Them showing up is more a sign of respect for the overall concept of an Islamic Republic than backing the current regime.
Case in point is this awkward moment in which neither Rafsanjani nor Khomeini want to stand next to Ahmadinejad. In fact they go out of their way not to stand next to him which shows that they do not want to show their support for him.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Khatami Hits Back
Assembly of Experts Meets

A large number of the Assembly of Experts met with Rafsanjani heading the meeting since he is the head of the assembly. The assembly does not really do that much, but it contains powerful clerics that can theoretically remove Khamenei from power. Reports indicate that their was a very high turnout and that the members pain close attention when Rafsanjani started speaking.
A notable person missing from the meeting was Vice Chairman Mohammad Yazdi who is a conservative supporter of the assembly who supports Ahmadinejad. We will see if anything meaningful comes of the meeting since they actual have real power over the Supreme Leader. Mousavi's Facebook seems optimistic, but it is impossible to know what is going on in the back rooms of power in Iran:
Ayatollah Hashemi-Rafsanjani, Head of the Assembly of Experts, in an interview after the general meeting of the Assembly announced that a statement is being prepared by those who care deeply about the establishment and according to the suggestions of experts and senior figures to transform the current situation in the society to a suitable environment that can be reviewed and criticized properly.Monday, September 21, 2009
The Media No Longer Exists
It saddens me to declare that the mainstream media no longer exists in any meaningful way.
There is no shortage of new outlets, but the mainstream media has no grasp of the importance presenting real news. It seems they only focus on petty things and those who make the most outrageous statements (Kayne West at the VMAs). Not even mentioning the media nearly ignoring the Qods Day protests, the latest articles coming out about Ahmadinejad's trip to the UN is the perfect example.
For example, this article by the Associated Press about the lead up to Ahmadinejad's UN trip focuses almost exclusively on his Holocaust denial. It makes no mention of last week's massive Qods Day protests and only makes passive reference to the huge protests that are planned in New York ignoring the fact that many non-Iranians will also protest.
Yes Ahmadinejad denies the Holocaust happened and it is horrible that he would say such things. Yet he has been saying these things for several years and it is not new news that should be reported in great detail. It certainly shouldn't be the main focus on an article about Iran when so many more important things are happening.
As NIAC points out, Ahmadinejad wants the media to focus on his Holocaust denial because that means they are not focusing on the crimes against humanity which are going on in Iran. It diverts attention from the vibrant opposition movement that is still going strong after months of brutal suppression by the regime.
I ask the media to focus on what is really going on in order to give people around the world a sense of what Iranians are going through. They can present in detail the horror of this regime's actions, but they can also highlight the survival of hope. Hope in a great change will come to Iran through the eventually victory of the Green Movement.
The media should help to explain what the opposition believes in and what they are trying to achieve in Iran. They should report that many of the top religious figures in Iran are actively speaking out against the regime. They should report that the opposition has survived even through the arrest, torture, rape, and murder of those that stand up against the regime.
Sadly, I doubt that the media is actually going to cover any of these things because it seems like they don't care about anything meaningful. If you are reading this, it means that you are already aware of the importance of blogs in the Green Revolution. I would only ask you to tell everyone you know who is interested in Iran to follow this and other blogs in order to get news out of Iran. There is still time for the media to redeem itself, but I wouldn't count on it.
Karroubi Talks about the Crimes of Regime
Karroubi spoke with members of the Medical Society who have been active with the reform movement and thanked them for their efforts. He informed them that he had been summoned before court and is looking forward to bringing out his concerns against the regime. He also spoke out against the crimes of the regime which he described as worst than the Shah's crimes:
“I will do anything that I consider as my duty no matter what the consequences are. During the election process, we expected certain things but never expected rigging on this scale and such violence against the protests of the people. Even before the revolution we didn’t see such brutal techniques,” Karroubi told those present. “During those times, women were respected much more than now. Now they beat up girls in front of their mothers and then take them away. We don’t understand these things.”
“They quickly neglected my evidence and said what they wanted.”
Karroubi also pointed out that the authorities are actually “facing the people” and “we are pursuing the rights of the people with their support and on their behalf.”
Karroubi also revealed that the authorities had created a dossier for him to summon him to court. He also stated that when summoned, he wrote under the court order that “it will be a great opportunity for [him] to expose crimes that were even worse than those committed by the late Shah.”
Schedule for Ahmadinejad Protests
So this week Ahmadinejad comes to the UN in New York City and there are massive being protests being organized. Visit this website to find out how you can attend and here is the schedule:
Tue. 22 September 6:30pm – “Iran Alive”
47th St. & 2nd Ave.
Art installation and performance dedicated to the people of Iran. A short film projected on a 300-person human screen with audio featuring recorded messages from Iranians inside Iran.
Wed. 23 September
12:30pm – Rally outside the Iran mission to the United Nations
40th St. & 3rd Ave.
The Iran mission serves as Ahmadinejad’s NYC headquarters when he visits the United Nations. Ahmadinejad will be meeting with allies throughout the week, so this is a chance to make our strong presence felt.
3:00pm – Procession to the United Nations Plaza
Walk north on 3rd Ave. to 47th St., and east into the main rally area.
4:00pm – Rally outside the United Nations Building
Enter from 2nd Ave. & 47th St.
Ahmadinejad is to speak before the UN General Assembly around 5:00pm; our rally will last the duration of his speech.
Thu. 24 September 10:30am – March with the Green Scroll across the Brooklyn Bridge
Gather at Cadman Plaza Park in Brooklyn.
Khomeini's Grandson Visists Family of Those in Prison
Hassan Khomeini, Imam Khomeini’s grandson and the representative of his household, along with other members of his family visited the families of imprisoned reformist figures; Mirdamadi (Secretary General of the Participation Front), Tajzadeh, Nabavi, Tajerniya, Arabsorkhi and Tabatabai. In this meeting, families of political prisoners thanked him and gave a report about the horrible situation of their loved ones.
Message for Iranians Abroad
Since thirty years ago tens and hundreds of Iranians have been forced to leave their homeland and most of them are facing the threats of jail, torture and death upon return. Since political issues are the major reason for immigration of Iranians, disagreement and discussion on political issues exist among them and the trend has been increasing as the time goes by and as their number increases. Nowadays live outside of Iran and especially in the United States groups and figures who used to be enemies until a few years ago and even today they still do not hide their position. But can taking positions and fronts solve their problem? For example, if a monarchist changes his view and becomes a republican can he or she return to the country? Or if a reformist in the US changes his opinion and becomes a monarchist can he or she return home with peace of mind? What problem exists in Iran that prevents the immigrants to visit their homeland and family securely and without changing their political views?
In reality what is going on in Iran today is not a fight over Islamism and secularism or a struggle between monarchism and republicanism. There are not two opposing opinions or ideologies in Iran but rather on one side stands humanity with all the contradictions, differences and variations and on the other side a new age barbarism is arranged, on its way to reach the deadliest weapons. Today the discussion is not about the authenticity of the presidential elections. But with the bloody repressions, massacres, kidnapping s and rapes that have been going on a diverse range of oppositions with various opinions and ideologies have become united against the regime. However, this unity is not necessarily ideological but rather unification over the most trivial human principles. Therefore, the existence of variety and difference among the opposition not only is not a weakness but it is also the best sign of understanding the anti-humane nature of the coup d’état government. That is why the remaining characteristics of this government are weapons and jails. And on the other side we resist against it with any identity, opinion, religion and various ideologies but with all our hearts. Forcing all the people to think alike is the anti-humane agenda of the coup d’état government for which it has victimized many like Taraneh, Sohrab and Neda by its animal-like violence. Maybe these unimaginable crimes and atrocities were the first warning for us to believe that no one can call any opinion and ideology wrong and prosecuting, harassing and torturing people for their ideas is condemned. Therefore, we consider ourselves peers to all who respect the undeniable human rights and believe that no political view is so absolute and sacred to allow massacre and exploitation of defenseless people because of it. However, today a group of gangsters and burglars are ruling our destiny. They not only consider thinking a crime but also completely deny our humanity and existence. Criminals who through taking advantage of the national wealth, trapping the poor, needy, sexual predators and socially abandoned people have formed horrific underground societies and organizations to harass the boys and girls of Iran and with the latest technologies advertise superstition and outdated beliefs.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Ayatollahs Against and For the Regime
23 Grand Ayatollahs and Ayatollahs who have put out statements directly or implicitly against the regime:
- Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri
- Grand Ayatollah Yousef Saanei
- Grand Ayatollah Ali Hussein Sistani
- Grand Ayatollah Abdolkarim Mousavi Ardebili
- Grand Ayatollah Bayat-Zanjani
- Grand Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi Golpayegani
- Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi
- Grand Ayatollah Nouri Hamedan
- Grand Ayatollah Vahid Khorasani
- Ayatollah Sayyed Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi
- Ayatollah Abdollah Javadi Amoli
- Ayatollah Ali Mohammad Dastghaib
- Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani
- Ayatollah Mohammad Imami-Kashani
- Ayatollah Mohaghegh-Damad
- Ayatollah Hossein Zarandi
- Ayatollah Jafar Sobhani
- Ayatollah Kharazi
- Ayatollah Reza Ostadi
- Ayatollah Hashemzadeh Harisi
- Ayatollah Jalaleddin Taheri
- Ayatollah Hadi Ghaffari
- Ayatollah Haj Shaykh Ebrahimi Amini
10 have said things in support of the regime:
- Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Hoseini Khamenei
- Ayatollah Mohammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi
- Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati
- Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Akbar Qoreyshi
- Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami
- Ayatollah Abolghasem Khazali
- Ayatollah Mohammad Yazdi
- Ayatollah Morteza Moqtadaei
- Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi-Shahroudi
- Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Mahdavi Kani
It is clear that the religious establishment is abandoning this regime.
Ayatollahs Beg to Differ
State-run TV and coup government’s propaganda announced that Sunday is Eid Al-Fitr based on a statement by Supreme Leader. On the other hand not even one of the Grand Ayatollahs in Qom or Najaf including Grand Ayatollahs Montazeri, Saanei, Sistani, Vahid-Khorasani, Makarem-shirazi, Safi-Golpaygani, Mousavi-Ardebili, Bayat-Zanjani and Javadi-Amoli confirmed and this has yet again questioned the legitimacy of the highest authorities.
Too Many Arrests
Meanwhile the arrest of the children, grandchildren, relatives, and close aides of senior leaders of the Green Movement and the reformists has continued unabated. Mohammad Mehdi, Mohammad Sadegh, and Mohammad Ali Montazeri, children of Ahmad Montazeri, Grand Ayatollah Montazeri’s son, have been arrested. In addition, Hamed, Naser, and Hajar Montazeri, three other grandchildren of the Grand Ayatollah, have also been arrested. Moreover, Sara Elahinia, Hamed Montazeri’s wife; and Sara Azizi, Naser Montazeri’s wife, have also been arrested. The children of Mr. Nazemzadeh and Mr. Ahmadi, two close aids of the Grand Ayatollah, have also been arrested.
Several children of Ayatollah Sayyed Hossein Mousavi Tabrizi, head of the Association of the Teachers and Scholars of Qom’s Theological Schools, a leftist clerical group, have also been arrested. Ayatollah Mousavi Tabrizi has been an outspoken critic of the hardliners.
La’yaa Doust-Mohammadi and Mohammad Hossein Rabbani, two grandchildren of Ayatollah Mohammad Mehdi Rabbani Amlashi, one of the original figures in the 1979 Revolution and an aide to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, have also been arrested. [Ayatollah Rabbani passed away in July 1985].
The following have also been arrested: Mehdi Naeimipour, son of Mohammad Naeimipour, editor of the banned newspaper, Yaas-e No [New Jasmine]; Mehdi Shirzad, son of Dr. Ahmad Shirzad, a professor of physics; and Mehdi Mirdamadi, son of Dr. Mohsen Mirdamadi, secretary-general of Islamic Iran Participation Front (IIPF), Iran’s largest political party, and leading reformist group. The elder Naeimipour and Shirzad are both members of the central committee of the IIPF. Mehdi Mousavi Nejad, a brother-in-law of Mohammad Ali Abtahi, vice president during the Khatami administration and jailed since the election, has also been arrested.
Lebanese Cleric Blasts Regime
Allameh Amin is a senior Lebanese cleric who has been a constant critic of the position of Veleyat-e-faghih or the Guardianship of Jurists (who is currently Ayatollah Khamanei).
In an interview conducted with Mohammad Javad Akbarin and published on opposition website rahesabz, Allameh Amin states that “the problems started when the authorities in Iran spoke of Velayat-e-faghih as though it were a decree from the heavens and it was undeniable, whereas this is only one way of thinking and many don’t agree with it” with some even calling its followers as people who encourage “heresy” in the religion.
“Heresy” is the same term that was used by Grand Ayatollah Montazeri when he wrote a letter to leading Muslim clerics and warned of “deeds against religion and the principle goals of the revolution” which were clear examples of heresy.
This Lebanese cleric believes that “recent events in Iran are the results of a deviation and an injustice government which considerers itself holy and shuts all doors to its criticism.”
Allameh Amin considers Grand Ayatollah Montazeri’s apology to the people and the voice of protest from revolutionary figures as proof that this theory has failed in its tests.
“I don’t think that current problems in Iran are [easily] solvable because authorities have decided to clamp down on the people, they haven’t realised that clampdowns will not resolve the problem but will deepen the rift between them and the people.”
Allameh Amin expressed surprise at how the Islamic Republic shattered its strong image in the world after the recent presidential elections and he explained how “Lebanese are suffering as a result of the expansion of the authority of Iran’s leader into Lebanon and other countries.” He also criticised Hezbollah’s position with regards to Iranian interference in Lebanon and how it had presented the Shiites community in Lebanon as “submissive to foreigners.”
In the end, Allameh Amin argues that after the recent unrest, Velayat-e-faghih’s image has been tarnished greatly and “the Iranian people have shown the world that they do not recognize their leader as capable of accepting criticism and through their voice of opposition, they have said that this government is not related to Shiite Islam whatsoever.”
Khamenei Gives Senseless Speech for End of Ramadan
The enemies tried to undermine the Quds Day rally, but the rally showed that the schemes of the enemies were not effective….In the past few months, Western leaders fell for their media, professional press analysts and radios and televisions and thought they could influence the Iranian nation. But you showed that they were chasing a mirage….This year, more than before, they tried to weaken the Quds Day, but the glorious Quds Day in Tehran showed the whole world the direction in which the revolution and Iran was heading. It showed that their (Western politicians) tricks, spending money and political evilness does not influence the Iranian nation.
A Different Qods Day
Qods Day marked several milestones in the history of the Islamic Republic:
Today is the first Quds day in Iran, in which IRNA/IRIB suddenly ceased their live coverage of the marches. Today is the first Quds Day, in which the Islamic republic of Iran, instead of encouraging the participation of the people in the marches, it has invited them to stay at home and has threatened them with “resolute action”!
Today is the first Quds day in Iran, in which the head of the administration, upon taking the podium at the Friday Prayers, hears the chants of “get lost liar” and even the powerful speakers installed on the Tehran University campus, cannot drown out the voices of the people.
Today is the first Quds day in Iran, the night prior to which, they have arrested all of the young enthusiasts who had encouraged a large turnout. Today is the first Quds day in Iran, during which the turban of a clergy (Seyyed Mohammad Khatami) was torn from his head, by the supporters of the government and it is the first Quds Day, in which the [Supreme] Leader of Iran is not at all pleased at the million strong marches of the people, since prior to this he had warned people not to chant corrupting slogans and today by hearing the chants of: Not Gaza and not Lebanon; I will sacrifice my life for Iran [alone], he clearly sees that the season of taking directions from him has come to an end.
Today is the first Quds Day in Iran, in which Ayatollah Karroubi, former Speaker of the Parliament, mir-Hossein Moussavi, the former Prime Minister and Seyyed [Ayatollah] Hassan Khomeini, the Grandson of the founder of the revolution; have called on people to demonstrate against the torture and killing [martyrdom] of the people, by the security forces that are under the control of other officials of the Islamic Republic. Today is the first Quds day in Iran, during which; the distinguished faces of a system showed up [and demonstrated] against other parts of this system. Had the previous presidents, Prime Ministers and Parliamentary Speakers of a country such as the U.K, France and America were to have demonstrated against the governance of their respective countries, what reaction would the Iranian government and leadership, have shown?
But truly; had this all happened in one place and simultaneously in one of the western countries, what would the IRIB have done and what have they been doing up to now [here at home]? Would the IRIB, under the command of the Leadership, not have given news of the fall of the government and governance of that country? Today, this is what has happened in Iran and people have themselves, reported: The reign of lies in Iran, has fallen and without a doubt the fearless masses that took to the streets and chanted: “Iran has become Palestine…People, why are you sitting down?” forced IRNA/IRIB to cease the live broadcast of its coverage of the marches, form the streets. These are all proofs of the fall of the reign and governance of the current regime in Iran, which is not deniable; even with the silence of the IRIB.
Montazeri Forced to Cancel End of Ramadan Ceremony
Grand Ayatollah Montazeri was forced by authorities to cancel his annual prayer marking the end of Ramadan.
According to his website, “after years of holding the prayer of Eid al-Fitre with him [Ayatollah Montazeri] as Imam, which caused problems for worshipers due to the large crowds, time constraints, this year, the prayer will not be held due to the closure of the Hosseiniyeh [mosque] and his imminence's old age.”
Pressure on Ayatollah Montazeri increased last week after his open and brave letter to various clerics. Up until now, 3 of his grandchildren and a wife of one of his grandchildren have been arrested.
Ramadan Ending Protest
So usually the clerics will put out statements stating when it is the end of Ramadan. In what seems to be an act of clerical protest against Khamenei, they are not acknowledging that Ramadan ends when he says so. Might not seem like a big deal, but pretty important since the Supreme Leaders is supposed to be infallible and well supreme:
The Green Movement is highlighting the possibility that marjas, the highest-ranking senior clerics, will not declare that Ramadan has ended Sunday and can be celebrated with the feast of Eid al-Fitr. In particular, it is noted that the websites of Ayatollah Montazeri and of Ayatollah Sane’i have not yet declared that the Holy Month is over.
Ayatollahs Mousavi-Ardebili, Safi-Golpaygani, and Bayat-Zanjani are also declaring that they have not seen the crescent of the moon. And now Hojatoleslam Taghdiri, the head of the crescent observation committee of Tehran Province, has said that there is no way that the crescent can be observed tomorrow.
The statements are significant because they defy the declaration of the Supreme Leader that Sunday is the end of Ramadan holiday.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Next Green Event: Ahmadinejad at the UN
New Video of Qods Day
A Green Flag waves in Tehran:
Again the crowd chants against what the regime wants them to. The government agent shouts "Death to England" and the crowd responds "Death to Russia". He shouts "Death to those against the Supreme Leader" and the crowd chants "Death to the Dictator":
A video that helps to give an idea of the size of the crowd:
The people remove a banner of Hezbollah:
The people confront the Basij:
Great Point
The ignorant comments Ahmadinejad made today about the Holocaust are not new, nor are they surprising. Many in the media have focused on his detestable comments in their coverage of today’s events. However, the real story is that despite all the state violence, torture, show trials, censorship, and oppression, tens of thousands of Iranians are still taking to the streets to protest against the government. Ahmadinejad wants to distract people away from this reality.
The New York Times reporters (Robert Worth, Nazila Fathi, and Michael Slackman) have been doing an excellent job covering the events in Iran. But the NYT editors need some help today. Their coverage shouldn’t be entitled, “Amid Large Protests, Iran Leader Calls Holocaust a Lie.” The real headline should be “Thousands Protest at Rallies Despite Threats.”
To be absolutely clear, he is wrong and people have every right to be upset that he would try to deny the murder of six million Jews. But Ahmadinejad’s comments are an obvious attempt to change the subject. The media shouldn’t play his game, and should continue focusing on the human rights abuses taking place. Anything else is a victory for him.
Update: The New York Times has updated the story title to “Despite Warning, Thousands Rally in Iran.”
Now that’s a good title. Kudos.
Final Qods Day Victory
A Great Day for the Iranian Nation
The Fallacy of "Hijacking" the Protest
I have heard several mainstream media sources state that the opposition "hijacked" the protest from the regime since it was supposed to be anti-Israeli and not against the regime. Although this might be convenient to explain what is going on, it does not accurately reflect the true situation. It is in fact the regime that has hijacked the Iranian nation from the people of Iran.
Whatever the people want to protest is what the actual protest is about. People were using slogans like "My life belongs to neither Gaza or Lebanon - but Iran". The people want to protest the oppression of their government and that is what this protest was about. Like most people, Iranians want to see a fair resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the eventual creation of Palestinian state. Yet that does mean that Iranians do not care about their own nation or that their protest should not focus on their own suffering.
The Iranian people are standing up for their rights and using this rare opportunity to express themselves by showing how they real feel.
Friday, September 18, 2009
What Today Means

You know when you are running and running and running, every once in a while you need to stop and rest for a minute, especially if you have been out of shape for a long time?
You stop, you catch your breath, and each time you begin running again.
Commentators of all kinds are continuously asking “what the protesters hope to achieve” by participating in these demonstrations, rallies and religious functions.
I think for the most part, these rallies are all breathing corners, gatherings in which we can all stop, catch our breath, and take a look back at the population that has been running with us, a population we could not see while running in the confines and restrictions of our own homes.
We may hear about them online, or from friends, we may hear that the movement has not died and is as alive as ever, but we don’t know that. There’s no way to verify. To feel the pulse of the city. These demonstrations are verification meetings of sorts, where we come face to face with the thousands of nameless, faceless people just like us, who have kept this spirit alive. The “faces” of this movement, Mousavi, Khatami, etc can not do anything for us except help us keep it alive and running. They have the medium to be heard, while we are all restricted indoors.
Others are unhappy that the “movement” has not “achieved” anything so far.
This isn’t a movement that should achieve big changes in a small amount of time. The fact that we were out there today, the fact that we are STILL out there, is the biggest achievement of all. The fact that the establishment had to install Ahmadinejad and Ahmad Khatami, two of the most despised faces in Iran, that they had to shut down offices and give us a four day vacation to keep us away is a HUGE achievement on its own. This is not another chaotic movement which aims to achieve big political gains, in a short time.
What we plan to do? this is not a revolution, this is not abrupt, sudden change, this is a long, long waiting game, and achieving a waiting population is a tremendous achievement on its own. To keep people coming, and planning and hopeful will be the most difficult task of all.
So far, so good.