Monday, September 21, 2009

Message for Iranians Abroad

Although I encourage everyone to protest against Ahmadinejad at the UN, I just want to remind everyone to support those in Iran and not particular ideological visions for Iran. This message gives a good reason why we must be united around human dignity and not agendas:

Since thirty years ago tens and hundreds of Iranians have been forced to leave their homeland and most of them are facing the threats of jail, torture and death upon return. Since political issues are the major reason for immigration of Iranians, disagreement and discussion on political issues exist among them and the trend has been increasing as the time goes by and as their number increases. Nowadays live outside of Iran and especially in the United States groups and figures who used to be enemies until a few years ago and even today they still do not hide their position. But can taking positions and fronts solve their problem? For example, if a monarchist changes his view and becomes a republican can he or she return to the country? Or if a reformist in the US changes his opinion and becomes a monarchist can he or she return home with peace of mind? What problem exists in Iran that prevents the immigrants to visit their homeland and family securely and without changing their political views?

In reality what is going on in Iran today is not a fight over Islamism and secularism or a struggle between monarchism and republicanism. There are not two opposing opinions or ideologies in Iran but rather on one side stands humanity with all the contradictions, differences and variations and on the other side a new age barbarism is arranged, on its way to reach the deadliest weapons. Today the discussion is not about the authenticity of the presidential elections. But with the bloody repressions, massacres, kidnapping s and rapes that have been going on a diverse range of oppositions with various opinions and ideologies have become united against the regime. However, this unity is not necessarily ideological but rather unification over the most trivial human principles. Therefore, the existence of variety and difference among the opposition not only is not a weakness but it is also the best sign of understanding the anti-humane nature of the coup d’état government. That is why the remaining characteristics of this government are weapons and jails. And on the other side we resist against it with any identity, opinion, religion and various ideologies but with all our hearts. Forcing all the people to think alike is the anti-humane agenda of the coup d’état government for which it has victimized many like Taraneh, Sohrab and Neda by its animal-like violence. Maybe these unimaginable crimes and atrocities were the first warning for us to believe that no one can call any opinion and ideology wrong and prosecuting, harassing and torturing people for their ideas is condemned. Therefore, we consider ourselves peers to all who respect the undeniable human rights and believe that no political view is so absolute and sacred to allow massacre and exploitation of defenseless people because of it. However, today a group of gangsters and burglars are ruling our destiny. They not only consider thinking a crime but also completely deny our humanity and existence. Criminals who through taking advantage of the national wealth, trapping the poor, needy, sexual predators and socially abandoned people have formed horrific underground societies and organizations to harass the boys and girls of Iran and with the latest technologies advertise superstition and outdated beliefs.

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