Sunday, September 20, 2009

Lebanese Cleric Blasts Regime

It seems as the tyranny of this regime not only hurts Iranians, but as the Lebanese people. For a regime that says that they are helping the Shii in Lebanon, this senior Lebanese cleric seems to have other ideas:

Allameh Amin is a senior Lebanese cleric who has been a constant critic of the position of Veleyat-e-faghih or the Guardianship of Jurists (who is currently Ayatollah Khamanei).

In an interview conducted with Mohammad Javad Akbarin and published on opposition website rahesabz, Allameh Amin states that “the problems started when the authorities in Iran spoke of Velayat-e-faghih as though it were a decree from the heavens and it was undeniable, whereas this is only one way of thinking and many don’t agree with it” with some even calling its followers as people who encourage “heresy” in the religion.

“Heresy” is the same term that was used by Grand Ayatollah Montazeri when he wrote a letter to leading Muslim clerics and warned of “deeds against religion and the principle goals of the revolution” which were clear examples of heresy.

This Lebanese cleric believes that “recent events in Iran are the results of a deviation and an injustice government which considerers itself holy and shuts all doors to its criticism.”

Allameh Amin considers Grand Ayatollah Montazeri’s apology to the people and the voice of protest from revolutionary figures as proof that this theory has failed in its tests.

“I don’t think that current problems in Iran are [easily] solvable because authorities have decided to clamp down on the people, they haven’t realised that clampdowns will not resolve the problem but will deepen the rift between them and the people.”

Allameh Amin expressed surprise at how the Islamic Republic shattered its strong image in the world after the recent presidential elections and he explained how “Lebanese are suffering as a result of the expansion of the authority of Iran’s leader into Lebanon and other countries.” He also criticised Hezbollah’s position with regards to Iranian interference in Lebanon and how it had presented the Shiites community in Lebanon as “submissive to foreigners.”

In the end, Allameh Amin argues that after the recent unrest, Velayat-e-faghih’s image has been tarnished greatly and “the Iranian people have shown the world that they do not recognize their leader as capable of accepting criticism and through their voice of opposition, they have said that this government is not related to Shiite Islam whatsoever.”

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