There has been a lot of talk about whether President Obama went far enough in voicing his support for the opposition movement in
While this might seem like a tempting thing to do, a short history of US-Iranian relations will clearly show why Iranians would still be very weary of any American intervention in
1925: British led coup and installation of Shah Reza Pahlavi as dictator of
1941: British led coup and overthrow of Shah Reza Pahlavi. Installation of his son Shah Muhammad Reza Phalavi as dictator of
1941-1945: British, American, and Soviet forces occupy
1953: American led coup and overthrow of democratically elected Prime Minister Mossadeq. Reinstallation of Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi as dictator of
1953-1979: 25 years of American support of Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi as dictator of
1980-1988: American support of dictator Saddam Hussein after he invades

Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld meeting Saddam Hussein in 1983
1988: American naval ship shoots down Iran Air Flight 655 in
2002: President Bush responds to Iranian willingness to cooperate with the
It might be convenient to forget the ugly parts of history, but as Eugene O’Neill once put it “The past is the present. It’s the future too. We all try to lie out of that but life won't let us.” President Obama is doing exactly the right thing in the current political crisis in
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