Seyyed Hadi Khamenei is the younger brother of the Supreme Leader of Iran. He is also a cleric and a former member of Parliament.
He has also met with reformist who have recently been in jail and has praised their movement:
"One of the achievements in recent months has been having the scientific, cultural and artistic élites come to the scene. They firstly encouraged the people to participate in the election and secondly raised public awareness about the cultural, social and economical needs of the country. After the election they [the elite] are still with the people and are with exemplary creativity strengthening and spreading the green wave."
He also criticized the government in particular the Guardian Council for picking sides in the recent unrest:
"When we see some of the Guardians of the constitution openly endorse a certain candidate and their impartiality is no longer intact, the foundation for the people’s loss of trust in the Council is set and the weakening of the constitution will undoubtedly follow."
"The purpose of the revolution was not to see our youth shot to death, even if they take to the street sand say things that we do not like; under the laws of religion and state we are prohibited from treating them in such manner."
"It is strange to see certain parties claim to adherence to Islam and the constitution and in practice you see them perform actions that have no religious or legal justification… God will no doubt turn his back on anyone who represses others or sees repression and keeps silent as such people are in fact aiding the repressors."
This just goes to show you that the divisions in Iran are not based on class or age, but really cut across families. Iranian society is deeply divided, but it is mainly based on different interpretations of Islam. Based on recent actions, it is clear that this regime no longer represents Islam and it is the reformists who are truly carrying on the tradition of the religion.
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