Mohsen Mirdamadi is one of the people currently part of the show trial that is taking place in Iran. Mirdamadi is a former member of parliament and a leading reformist figure in Iran. He is the Secretary General of the Islamic Iran Participation Front one of the top reformist parties in Iran. Mirdamadi and the others have been accused of leading the unrest in the aftermath of the election and also working with foreigners to undermine Iran's national security.
Yet 30 years ago, Mirdamadi was of the leading hostage takers during the Iran Hostage Crisis. In this interview, Mirdamadi lays out why he helped organize the hostage taking:
"There were about 400 of us who took part in the operation. I was part of the leadership council. When the U.S. allowed the Shah to enter America for medical reasons, we were convinced they were plotting against us. So, we wanted to send them a message. We intended to detain the diplomats for a few days, maybe one week, but no more. ... events took on a life of their own. When the Imam blessed the takeover, there was no turning back."
“Clearly, our actions might have hurt us economically because it led to a disruption of relations, but I don’t regret it. I think it was necessary for that time. After all, America had overthrown one Iranian government. Why wouldn’t they try another one?”
This is the same man that the regime says is a traitor to Iran and does not support the Islamic Revolution. This is the same man who they say works with foreigners; a man who once took foreigners hostage.
I don't want to condone Mirdamadi's actions 30 years ago because I don't personally believe they were justifiable under international law. Yet, it goes to show how much support this regime has lost among the core supporters of the Revolution 30 years ago. His previous actions just show you the ironic and sadly comedic nature of this trial.
It would make you laugh if it didn't make you cry.
Mirdamadi has evolved in his views and he strongly believes in the importance of freedom and democracy for Iran. Yet the idea that he is working with foreigners to undermine Iran is ridiculous. The only ones that are undermining the Iranian nation are those criminals who are currently in power.
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